☘Chapter 24

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*After a week*

"Hyuck you can now go home" Ten said entering the Private Room and saw his son holding Channie's hand softly

While Mark he doesn't mind he actually find it cute.... But of course he needs to get strict when Six gets possessive so the young Alpha would immediately apologize, the twins were actually Fraternal (means- Non identical twins) so Six can immediately recognized Channie and even though they were identical he can still know by the smell

"Really!!!" Haechan said excited since he was getting irritated by the smell of the hospital

"Love, the baby~" Mark said as Haechan held his Older son carefully They named their Older son
Minhyuk Damon Lee (Alpha/Vampire)
While the younger was named
Chanhyuk Scott Lee (Omega)
They have talked about mixing their son's name with Korean and English


"*chuckle* Okay I'll get going now, Six let's go" Ten said to his son making him whine but nodded afterward he pouted and let go of Channie's hand while Mark just patted his head

"Byebye Channie............ Minyuck... Unwle Mork..... Auwntie Hyuckie" Six said as they laugh at his pronunciation finding it cute

Ten held his son as they got out closing the door softly

"Ohh right, will I be having the same rank level again while you all ranks up *pout*" Haechan said since he just remembered that he have been absent from school for how many months

"Gugu.... gaaa.. Ehhh~" Haechan chuckled at his son and let it play with his hair

"No love, You'll just have to take a test and if you past it you can rank up with us, your an exemption baby since I'm you husband" Mark said winking at his wife that flushed red

"Your a Father now, so stop being so flirty"

"But babe~ we haven't yet enjoyed our teen life to the fullest"

"It's your fault that you knotted me"

"Didn't you also like it when I fill you up *wink*"

"I-i... " The younger was blushing furiously

"Okay!!! Enough flirting!!!!" The couple look at the person who barge in frowning

"Okay you two will have more time when you get home now chop2x, were moving out!" Renjun said as they let the gaurds take there stuff

"Channie~ Uncle Nana is here~" Jaemin said trying to take Channie from Mark but he move away

"Love let them~" His wife said chuckling as Mark just frowned and handed his son

"Hi!! Minnie~ Did you miss Auntie?" Lele said as Haechan handed His older son, Minhyuk seemed to like Chenle

"Hyuck will you be able to attend school tomorrow" Renjun ask

"Yeah I'm totally fine now"

"Okay then change to your normal clothes now" Nana

"Okay" Haechan went to the bathroom and strip his clothes when he suddenly froze looking at his reflection at the mirror


I ....... Look

Damn sexy btch!'

Haechan said to his mind and posed in the mirror he look much curvier now and has a literal curve of a girl he was damn hot the bump was now gone and he has his flat tummy again he saw the golden beautiful carved name of his mate in his thigh as he touch it and moaned accidentally

'Ahhh~ ...' thankfully he only did it in his mind trying to lower his voice but Haechan seemed to forgot that he and Mark can mindlink now and can hear it loud and clear


haechan look at the door and saw Mark going in as he unconsciously covered his naked body

"*smirk* You look Hot babe~" Mark
said in his Alpha voice

Haechan purred at the dominant voice that turned him on

"Hmm~ you seemed to forgat that I can hear you mind now" Mark said smelling the latter's neck that was much sweeter now, he held both of Haechan's hand putting it above his head while cornering him at the cold tiles of the bathroom making him shiver

He looks like a prey being cornered all naked and exposed to his Husband. The Alpha having a good look at his gorgeous wife asset smirking at the tempting view as he lick his lips, the latter gulped at the hot sight of his Husband

They were about to kiss when someone suddenly banged the door

"*Bang!*Bang!* Yah hurry!! Were going!"

The couple groaned as Haechan just dressed up, Mark eyeing him hungrily rather lustful

"Stop that!~" Haechan slap his husbands chest as they went out the bathroom frowning

Mark pouted as he carried Channie and sat inside the car, while Haechan sat beside him seeing him pouting made him chuckle

"Mark~ stop frowning.....


... Chenle Jaemin can you take care of the twins for the night" Haechan

"Of course hyuck gladly!!"

"Yes if you want I'll do it forever!"

"Chenle not to that extent, what about our child" Jisung said as they all stared at them

"I mean hyung! Ohmyg!- of course in the near future what were you all thinking" Jisung said as they nodded

Haechan look at his husband that is now grinning so wide

'Aish these Alpha'

'As if you don't like it love'

'Omo!! You scared me!'

'Tss tss tss get used to it babe'


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