☘Chapter 8

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The 7 of them are now at the cafeteria minding their own businesses

Mark babying Haechan while the others flirted to each other

The whole school already knows that Mark and Haechan's are mate as the other can't still believe it

"So Haechan you birthday is coming soon, what are you planning to do?" Jaem

"I don't know, maybe I'll just rest at our beach house"

"What!?? Your not going to held a party hyung? You will be legal, you should celebrate it" Chenle

"I'll just invite you guy's you know I don't like partying with random people"

"Can we invite Jeno!?" Renjun/Jaemin

"Can I invite Jisung!?" Chenle

"Yeah yeah"

"What about me?"

"Well duh obviously you should, you need to meet my parents" I said as he chuckled nervously

Mark POV

"Bye baby"

"Bye!" He said and went inside their room

"Well I mean it's about time" Jeno said as we went to the HQ, we just decided to cut our class

"Yeah and you should be less nervous hyung since you already know his parents
Tss why don't we just teleport" Jisung

"Yeah right I forgat" Jeno

*At the Headquarters*

"The air here is really different" Jeno

"It's just the same oxygen hyung" Jisung said while Jeno just glared at him

"Let's get inside" I said walking to the Main door guard's bowing at us

"Son what brought you here" Dad said as I went to him and kiss his cheek the same as Mom's

"Dad" Jeno greeted and also kiss Mom and Dad's cheek, if you all didn't know yeah these nojam and me are siblings, Jisung also went to his parents and greeted them

"So Mark I heard my son already knows that he's your mate"

"Yes Uncle Yeol"

"So did you two did it already!? Am I having a grandchild!?"

"Hon what are you talking about Chan is still not yet at the right age, and you Mark........... Don't ever knot him yet" Uncle Yeol said glaring at me

"Yah Chanyeol, don't go too hard at my son" Dad

"Hmp, my son is still a baby"

"For goodness sake! Our son is already 19" Uncle Baek said while I nodded as Uncle Yeol glared at me and I look elsewhere avoiding the glare

"So my baby's birthday is next week you all should come, and I think we should also tell them the truth" Uncle Baek said that us all look at him even Uncle Yeol

"Huh? Why?, I mean I thought we will keep it a secret until all of our son's are adult"

"Well I think the earlier the better, the surroundings are getting more dangerous, we should tell them before something happens to them also one of my people saw someone spying at Haechan aswell to Jaemin, Renjun and Chenle" Uncle Baek said

"I guess so"

We continued talking about the gang thing when my phone suddenly rung


"Excuse me" I said and walk away for awhile

'Mark! Call your people and send them here at School, BlackAce is attacking here I think their trying to find your mate aswell as his friends'

Johnny hyung said as I immediately hang up

"Mom Dad we're going, some random gang is attacking our School" I said and look at Jeno and Jisung as we bid our goodbyes to our parents

"Yah! Mark take care of Chan" Uncle Yeol shouted before we head out and teleported to School

"Tf! Why is there dead bodies?"

I touch my watch and tap the red button as my men's immediately appeared

"Get all of the BlackAce and send them to the Hideout's dungeon, don't kill them"

I commanded using my Alpha voice as they kneel down to me before going

"Where are they?"

"We don't know" Jeno

"Can't you mindlink Haechan hyung?"

"I can't......my name isn't yet craved at his body, and beside he's an omega and is not part of our pack"

'Hyung where are you?'

'Yes Mark!'

'Where is Hyuck?'

'At the rooftop, don't worry I put a shield'


"Johnny hyung said that their at the rooftop" I said and teleported


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