☘Chapter 10

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The attack at school has gone down since it was taken care of the government aka the mafia thingy

The parents of Haechan and his friends has already appointed a meeting for all of them to reveal about their secrets and other businesses

At these moment all of them are in one room a long table with many chairs surrounding it, the parents are at the left side together with the young Alphas while their facing their Children at the right, they were nervous at what would be the reaction of the youngsters, thinking they would get scared, angry or furious .......... but little did they know that the omegas have already found it out

Opposite with the young Alphas they were expecting them to know about their identity since it has been rumoured around the school for years, but they can't help getting a lil bit nervous of what would be their reaction after the revelation

"Sooo, Kids first of All Uhhh....

We're Mafia's......... but! not the bad one! We are type of Mafia Government who only kills bad people since we are the higher ups and you can tell that were also one of the strongest .... Blablablabla......... "

The parents continued blubbering about what they do and everything trying to explain everything carefully so that the kids won't get the bad idea

-2 hours later-

"So yeah that's basically it"

"Ummm*cough*we appreciated how you all tried to explain everything and umm we just want you all to know that we already know about your business-............ es" Haechan muttered as the whole room was dead silence

"Uhh Actually! I'm the one who discovered it first!! since I always hear Mom and Dad talking about the mafia thingy!! And sadly!! Our family has a gene of loud dolphins so yeah I heard it!!" Chenle half shouted with his normal voice as the room fell silence again.... The parents shock as all of them look at Chenle's parents that only smiled awkwardly

"I guess we can't help it.... But lele weren't you scared after finding it out"

"No Mom!!! Actually we find it cool!"

"Yeah! That's my son!" Chenle's Father said

As the other just chuckled at the scene
They continued talking with each other about the soulmates, enemy's and for the upcoming birthday of Haechan

"So we can all celebrate it at our beach house in case some of our enemies would attack, I have already installed a secret basement that has all our weapons and other equipments but let's just forget about it and enjoy since I have prepared the strongest guards from the Neocity and Exoluxion" Haechan's Mother as they talk more about the preparation but before going further the parents send their children's off first since they still have their night class

They bid their goodbyes as they went back to their school seeing that some of the students are already walking to their classes

"Byebye" Haechan said and hug Mark while he kissed the head of the brunette

"Let's go" Jaemin said as they separated ways

As they went in, the Class immediately started after checking that everyone is present

"Haechan ummm, I'm actually your partner for these project here in these subj. can I talk to you later" his seat mate named Jinwoo said in a whisper tone

"We had a project? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" The gorgeous latter ask in a soft tone making the Jinwoo guy blush obviously he has a feeling for the latter even though his an Omega it doesn't stop his feelings

"U-umm you we're always together with Mark I didn't have a perfect timing" Jinwoo said feeling scared of Mark since the Alpha was also a bully aside from being a Mafia and the Hottest Alpha of the school with Jisung and Jeno of course

"Next time go to me if you want to talk, I'll take care of Mark" Haechan said while smiling softly he was so beautiful that the guy only nodded speechless

Even before, Haechan and his friends were also popular around the school because of their beauty and looks that's also why Mark and his friends became a bully because of the guy's and girls that are fonding around their Omega whether it's an Alpha, Vampire, Omega or Beta


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