☘Chapter 18

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No one's POV

Mark howled with his Prince Alpha side as all of the Head Leaders appeared teleporting before him while kneeling

"Change of Plan we're ambushing right now, and they have my mate"
He growled as they all nodded Mark was younger than them but they can't help being intimidated by the young Prince Alpha he was furious and it was a rare sight for them

"So change plan it is...... 5 minutes to prepare!! And will teleport using the portal" Taeyong said as he went near the Alpha and held his shoulder

"Relax we're going to get them" Taeyong said seriously letting out a leader scent that will calm him and also for the others

(Chinese Corp. Building)

'All at the position' Mark said linking his people, he wasn't asking..... his commanding... he was on full Alpha mode rn

'Yes Alpha' Kevin said, a little bit scared as it was the first time he saw the Alpha being all work out and furious

Winwin started doing his role as everyone was steadied at their positions

When Winwin poisoned the person that guarded the door it was a sign to start the real thing they were doing it in silent, too silent that no one would notice them

They walk to the main door still behind it while examining what's inside using the naked eye spell that Doyoung was doing

'50 at the front,  80 at each corner and 200 people positioned above' Doyoung informed linking as they all nodded


Taeyong pushed the door revealing them as they starting attacking
Loud Guns were heared everywhere
Others attacking in a long range while the others were fighting brutally in near range

At the other side of room there was Haechan,  Jaemin, Renjun and Chenle they were at the second floor guarded by the hundred people but they were relieve, they heared it and they know that it was them

"*smirk* Don't get too relieved bitches, we still have you in our arms" The Girl said sticking out her body at the head boss and went near them showing her real form as a witch


The door was opened forcefully the omegas being held by different people with a gun aiming at their heads

"So your all here, I heared that my little Blackace came to your side" The Chinese Man said also known as the Head boss Soo that they investigated 

"Back!!!! or I will kill your omega's here"

The Alpha's retreated holding in there anger

The Boss went out of the room with the four omegas that were being aimed

The people downstairs stopped at their track looking at the upper floor

"I'm surprised that you all killed my people, I didn't train them weak though .... but I don't care!!! If I kill these four I will be satisfied with your misery and it's enough!" he said laughing evily the others mocking him in their head

'Seriously, is he really provoking the Prince Alpha's, must be wishing for his death bed'

'Ten just do it now' Mark said linking One of the Head Leaders that is also a half witch

'Okay2x chill' he said but he knows that if that would happen to him and Johnny he wouldn't chill

"Wha!- why can't I move!!!!! Selena! Do something!"

"Boss I can't do anything it's too powerful for me"

"What!!? You useless bitc-"


His sentence was stopped since Mark is already losing his temper as he shot him directly at the head

He shooted the four men that was holding the omegas but the witch, Selena pushed Haechan before she was shot

"Ahhhh!!!" Haechan shouted as Everyone was holted on their places

Mark immediately teleported to his mate, he's body was slammed at the wall and his head bleeding

"M-mark……… the baby~"

The Alpha was shocked, Ten ran to Haechan holding him trying to hold the fetus inside him using his power

"Fuck! It!...." Mark was getting out of control he went to the witch and crushed it's heart after all he was still a half vampire, he was so mad that the surface was shaking so hard and the whole building was starting to break off

"Mark!!! Calm down! Shit!! Everyone retreat!" They went to the portal while the others teleported

While Ten he teleported Haechan to his own Private Hospital

"Shit! Haechan stay strong don't let go of the baby" Ten mumbled tears Gushing out of his eyes he can't let these happen to Haechan he can't handle seeing the latter get through the same scenario as what happened to him and Johnny


💚 Sorry I couldn't update yesterday, I was *sigh*... Well you know trying to get over it but as I promised I'm going update
so here it is sorry it took too long


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