☘Chapter 22

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*The Next Day*

Haechan woke up not finding his mate beside him it was empty cold and he was getting emotional again

He went up and walk downstairs seeing that no one was there It was already noon, After being pregnant he started waking up so late


He went back upstairs hearing he's phone ringing, the surrounding was so silent that he heard it even in a far distance ....... It was a Mansion after all

'Yes Jaemin?'

'I'm going there! Get ready'

'Ok-....*Beep*...... ay'

Haechan said confused when Jaemin immediately end it

It's a weird day indeed not finding Mark beside him and Jaemin cutting him off

He was changing his clothes when he suddenly stop and look at his baby bump

'He can't tie his shoes'

He just shrugged it off and struggled at taking his shoes below him going downstairs with only barefoot

After a minute Jaemin finally arrived together with Renjun and Chenle

"Chanie let's gooo" he said as Haechan pointed his shoes as they all look at it and back to Haechan's face

"Oh right"

"I'll do it hyung" Chenle did the left one while Renjun did the other one, they said it was to make things faster

They got in the Van as they guided Haechan that is now having a trouble with his big bump

The Van started as they busied there selves with their phone trying to stop theirself from talking to the preggy that might cause them to reveal something to Haechan

While Hyuck he was weirded out it wasn't normal he knew something was going on

"Jaemin where are we going" Haechan ask finding the road unfamiliar, the other three panicked inside as they forgat to cover the windshield

"Were going somewhere" Renjun said covering the windshield as Haechan just stayed quiet

'Is what I'm thinking really happening?' The latter ask to hisself not getting too excited since it might have been the other thing

*After 30 minutes*

"We're here!" Jaemin said as they went out helping Haechan after he finally step out the Van he look at his side and saw no one............. They disappeared

He didn't know that Jeno and Jisung were hiding somewhere and went to the 3 and teleported leaving him all by himself

He started walking forward and after. Awhile when he suddenly saw a rose falling from above his eyes following his gaze to it and there he saw a beautiful rosepath giving him a way where he will walk

And yeah he just notice it half way, without Ten using his power to make a rose fall, their efforts would have gone to waste designing the Rosepath

𝐕𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝕬𝖑𝖕𝖍𝖆 | 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖍𝖞𝖚𝖈𝖐 ◆𝓛𝓙𝓣◇Where stories live. Discover now