☘Chapter 4

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Haechan POV

"U-uhh s-should we go" I said cursing at myself for stuttering

"Yeah let's go" He said as we got inside the gate where it's more dangerous and the aura is really different it feels more dark making me uncomfortable

I heard a scratch at the tree making me squeal and almost slip,  thankfully Mark catch my waist unconsciously my hands went directly to his shoulder our faces now an only inches away from each other,  I can smell his manly cologne making me dizzy at the moment like something is burning inside me,  Is it because it's our first time to be these close to each other or because my heat is in the next days

Mark POV

Our face is so close but , I didn't move instead of moving away my body went closer he's scent is too sweet It's driving me crazy, my tattoo is burning it's craving for my mate's body 'Shit, not know mark' I said to myself trying to ignore my hormones

"Arggh~" I groaned a little since his hands went to my wound,  I also saw Haechan grimacing and I know that he's also in pain I stand him up properly letting go of him as I felt my body reacting to the loss of contact missing it's other half 

"T-thank you, and sorry for that *points at shoulder*" He said while blushing, a Gorgeous beauty indeed

"Your welcome and it's okay just be careful next time" I said as he nodded

Haechan POV

He is walking infront of me know in case something happens

I stop in my track

As I saw a BM in my rear side

"M-mark" I said,  he head turned to look  at me but the Snake already jump to me and bit my shoulder


"Shit!" Mark immediately killed the snake using he's power as he faced me to him I started crying as it's starting to hurt like sht and knowing that it's poisonous and can kill me any minute

"Fck H-haechan,  I need to suck it" he said making me look at him directly in the eyes as he wipe my tears

"*sniff* W-what?"

"I need to suck the venom out"

"Huhu *sniff* then do it!!"

"What?" He asked shocked

"*sniff* do it! Or else I'll die!!" I said and he he immediately pulled me closer holding my waist while unbuttoning my shirt sliding it down to my shoulder so that he can suck better

He went close to my shoulder and suck it

"Hng~" I let out a sound as his soft lip came in contact to my skin, he continued sucking and spitting it out until he took all the venom out

He was gasping as I saw his eyes turning into red and look at me making me gape not because I'm scared but because of curiosity and worrines

"M-mark? Ahhh~ what are you hng~"
I moaned underneath him as he lick my bitten shoulder while sucking on it not the same as earlier but just on my skin his lips kissing it after he sucks on it his tongue licking it clean as I moaned again

"Does it still hurt?" He ask in a soft tone still burying his face at my shoulder, I nodded and whined at the loss of contact,  why do I feel so comfortable with him suddenly

"Don't ever say that your gonna die,  because I'm always here to protect you" he said and started to button my shirt again

"So your the one?" I ask as he just smirk at me making me smile

So he's the one who look over me everytime I'm in the Black Forest

That's why I felt so safe....


"Let's go" he said and carried me bridal style

"W-what!? You don't have to-"

"Shhh it's safer these way" he said so I just burried my face in he's chest while smiling and blushing real hard


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