☘Chapter 9

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Haechan POV

"So it's really true" Jaemin said while were looking below us, some vampire people attacking other students

"It's obvious" Renjun

"But honestly.... " I muttered as they look at me

"He looks hot" I said as they smirk at me

We continued looking below and saw students getting killed while the others are fighting, it's so brutal that all of us are grimacing we want to help but we're not even that strong

"Oh!! Actually I just found out that my parents are mafia" Chenle said cutting the uncomfortness surrounding us

"What?" Jaemin asked

"I accidentally overhead my Mom and Dad talking about some enemy, mafia thingy"

"If your Mom and Dad are Mafia, would our parents be also a mafia I mean their bestfriends right?" Renjun

"If that would be real, I would find it really cool but at the same time scared, cause you know there are mafia's that kills others to be strong right?" Jaemin

"I also find Mom and Dad weird, their protectiveness are on another level like someone's going to kill me anytime" I said

"Yeah it's really bothering me sometimes like having 20 wolves & vampires guarding you" Chenle said as we nodded since all of us have our gaurds

"Yeah, weird" we said while sitting here at the rooftop

Huff I'm bored


We look at the door and saw the 3 Alphas walking towards us

"Are you okay" Mark asked me while checking my body

"Why do you have blood at your shirt?"

"We were fighting some people who are blocking us towards here, and we can't teleport" he said

Ahh right Principal Seo put a shield here

"Did you kill them?" I asked and caressed his cheeks his hands wrapping around my waist

"Sunshine I didn't have a choice" he said while pulling me closer

Killing is bad but why do I find him hot and sexy just thinking about it

"Bad lion, you shouldn't kill them you could just knock them out"

*glare at him*

fine sorry I'll try" he muttered and kissed my forehead as I giggled finding it sweet

"Is it safe out there now?"

"No I'll bring you home for now" Mark said and look at Jeno as they nodded at each other

"Jisung let's go" Jeno as we went out and saw a bloody stairway and look at Mark grimacing

"What? Can't help it" He said and held my hands and teleported not really surprising since Dad also do these

"And where are we?" I ask looking at the surrounding a manly scent engulfing the room that I find relaxing

"My room" and sat at his bed

"I thought your going to take me home" I said as he pulled me to his lap

My heart is beating so fast ....

"Babydoll I can't teleport to a place where I haven't yet visited" smelling my neck as his hands slide into my curvy waist caressing it while his other is in my thigh

"A-aren't you going b-back..... hng" my grip to his shoulder tighten when he licked my neck and suck on it

"D-dont leave a mark my Dad will see it" he stop what he's doing

"Where do I mark then" he ask smirking as I felt his hands sneaking underneath my shirt making me shiver

"M-mark" I put my head at his shoulder when he touched my sensitive part

"Your so sensitive" he said making me slap his shoulder when he suddenly kissed me the kiss was sweet at first but turned into a rough and agressive one as our hands started roaming to each others body my hand sneaking into his shirt and traced his toned chest down to his abs when He suddenly took off my shirt not noticing that he unbuttoned it he's kiss went down to my collarbone sucking on it leaving a mark

"Mark~" I moaned his name when he started biting me, his hand groping my butt hard making me grind at him accidentally feeling his bulging dck making me blush


Mark's phone rung but still he didn't stop planting hickey's at my body as I pulled away from him although I failed since his stronger

"Mark your phone" I said as he groaned and answered it while I got off his lap making him look at me

I smiled at him and kissed his soft lips and crawled to his wide bed wearing my shirt again and layed down.... It's so sooofft!! ....

I took one of his pillow hugging it and closed my eyes

Mark POV

I took my phone and answered it when I saw that it was Taeyong Hyung

'What?' I said and look at Haechan and saw him layin at my bed while hugging one of my pillow......... Cute

'Get your ass here at the Hideout' he said and cut off the call

I went to Haechan and kissed his forehead his Doe eyes opening half

"I'm shleepyy" he whined making me chuckle

"Don't you want to visit our Hideout"

"What's in there to be entertained, I bet it will just be dull and boring"

"Baby our Hideout isn't the same as the Mafia movies that you watch, And besides you might see my members kids and also Ten's son" Haechan immediately sat up at the mention of it since he were always so curious about Ten's son because he never brought the baby to school as well for the others

"Let's goo!!" Haechan stand up excitedly as Mark chuckled and held him teleporting to the Hideout, there he met the cute children's of the members he just met and Ten's son that he grew fond of even for the first time he met it..


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