☘Chapter 21

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*A few weeks later*

Having a pregnant mate is hard and Mark knows it

"But isn't it too much" Mark said as he was currently talking with Johnny, Jaehyun, Yuta, Lucas, Taeil, Kun, Hendery and Xiaojun....

Yes the Head Alpha's who have gone through the same mistery that Mark's having currently

'Handling a pregnant mate'

"Mark you need to have patience" Johnny

"And just do everything he wants mark, It might be hard but it's for your soon to be born babies" Kun

"But what he did was too much!! He fcking wants to play with my gun!"

"Mark.... Haays you could just remove the bullets" Lucas said as the others mouth went 'o'

"*sigh* Your right I didn't think of that"

"*smirk* Of course I'm lucas you kno-"


"Mark would you rather see him cry and have tantrums" Taeil

"But his moodswing is getting out of hand sometimes"

"You just need some common sense and tricks under your sleeves Mark" Johnny

"And yeah it sucks sometimes but mark it's worst now since Haechan is having twins" Jaehyun

"And don't you like their hormones Mark, it's 10x better" Yuta said while grinning pervertly the other alpha's not denying it

'Typical Alpha's'

"Right the scent of their pheromones is so much stronger ......" Hendery said while having a weird hand gestures

"......And irresistible also they get really needy most of the time" Xiaojun said as they both nodded experiencing it from Yangyang, the other's also nodding they can't deny it

"But it must be hard for Haechan Mark, he's carrying a twin" Lucas

"Yeah and his tantrums is times 2 but I guess I can handle it having a beta with me" Mark ..... Since Renjun is a Beta he can sometimes calm his pregnant mate but sometimes it was going too much guessing it was because of having twins

They continued talking while at the other room there was the Omegas

"Haechan, Mark might be a Alpha but he also gets tired" Jungwoo said while handing him a fruit

"And Hyuck don't go too hard at him" Ten said while taking his son away from Haechan he was always clingy to Hyuck but not these much

"Six your squishing Hyuckie"

"Hyung it's okay" Haechan said pinching the cheek of the Six that is hugging his bump making him giggle

"Ten hyung his so cute & Handsome, why don't you bring him to school Hyung" Jaemin said as Chenle were squealing at Jungwoo's baby. They only heared about the baby and never once seen it except for the time Donghyuck was hospitalized

"*chuckles* He's quite a troublesome so we don't bring him much outside except the hospital and HO, plus he's an Alpha"

"Also the babies of the Head leaders are sensitive guys they are strong so it's dangerous for them to be outside" Ten

"And the Neo Corp. have so many competitors so yeah" Doyoung

They were just talking and playing with the kids while Renjun at the other side was talking with Yangyang's baby in Chinese

"Your younger than us though except for Lele ofc... But how?" Renjun ask to Yangyang not being able to ask before when they were in the Hospital

Jaemin and Haechan listened, also Chenle

"Well basically Xiaojun and Hendery name crave at my body earlier so we didn't have choice and also I can't control myself so we did it"

"Both of their name crave at your body?......" Jaemin and Renjun ask as he nodded while smiling

"...So it's possible"

"It can happen earlier?" Chenle ask as they look at him

"My name was crave in Jisung's body just weeks ago, he just told me these morning" Chenle said as all of them look at him shock

"Isn't that too early, Isn't Jisung younger than you Lele?" Taeyong

"Yeah just a few Months though"

Both the Alpha and Omega talk at separated rooms until it was already getting late, time for Hyuck to sleep for the health of the babies

The couple went inside the car as Mark immediately drove seeing the sleepy expression of Hyuck

*At the house*

"I'll carry you" he said and carried his sleepy baby

He went upstairs and put the younger slowly not trying to wake him up but then the Omega opened his eyes

"Do you need anything?"

"You" The latter said confusing the Alpha..... Is he horny?

"I only need you" Haechan mumbled kissing his mates lip and hug him making the Older lay beside him

"Sorry for being a brat"

"I don't mind, It won't change the fact that I will always love you and stay with you forever" He said kissing the latter's head

"Stop being cheesy~"

"Okay okay, Let's just sleep" He said as they went off to their dreamland

But then.....

Mark woke up in the middle of the night and called someone

'Is everything ready?"

'Yes Mark'


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