☘Chapter 30

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*5 years later*

"Channie don't eat to much candies" A 9 years old Six said taking the candies from the younger one

"Hey! Give that to me!"

"Chan stop you'll have a cavities" Minhyuk said glaring at his twin who just pouted

"His right, do you want to lose some of your teeth" Chan mumbled a small 'no'

"*grin* He already lost one Jarv" Minhyuk said as Six look at the younger shock, at first Six didn't actually like it when Minhyuk called him by his first name and not adding hyung but after a while he got used to it but it's different with Chan, he likes it when the latter calls him hyung


"Don't worry Chan, your still cute" Six said as Channie ran inside the mansion leaving his twin with Six, his small face was now blushing so hard....... his heart beating so fast

"You're such a flirt" Minhyuk said sounding like a teenager at the age of 7, Although it was usually normal for Alpha kids since they get matured real quick in such a young age

"*grin* You should learn from me, also you should stop avoiding Uncle Lele's son" Six said as he caught him looking at  Xichen who was playing with the omegas

"We're still young I'd rather enjoy it when we get more older"

"You should seize the moment you know"

"Yeah right you sound like Dad"

"Well he did taught me things when you twins were still a baby"

"Speaking of Dad, I think he's here already he mindlink me"

"Ohhh nice"

"I think were expecting a new baby sibling" Minhyuk said before going, leaving a smiling Jarv behind

'Chan has been asking that for a while'

*Haechan's Side*

"Love why are you here" Mark went in their room seeing his wife resting at the balcony with only in his bathrobe obviously naked underneath it

"Your back?"

"*nods* Just an hour ago, why aren't you enjoying down"

"*pout* I was bitter since you were not here" He said looking below where people were having a pool party

"Hmm~" he hummed backhugging him and smelled the neck of his mate giving him wet kisses

"Mark~ you should rest, you just had a meeting overseas"

"Having you will give me a peaceful rest" He said and kissed the soft lips of the latter that he missed, they continued kissing him aggressively that the Alpha's fangs went out getting hungry at his mate

The younger hissed as he felt his lips bleed


"Sorry love" He kissed the neck of Haechan carrying him to their bed hovering at him and started licking it before he could bite, the latter stop him

"W-wait.... the baby~" the older look at him confused as his eyes widened after a few while of thinking

"Your pregnant!!?" Haechan smiled at him sweetly giving him a peck

"Fck!! Yes! You don't know how happy I am!!" He said showering his wife with kisses around it's face then his neck going down the slightly bump tummy

The younger just giggled at him feeling ticklish by the kisses he was given


"Mommy your pregnant!!!??" Chan went to his parents and look at his gorgeous mom that was exposing his bare tummy and their Dad hugging it

"Hey Dad we missed you" The Alpha son said hugging his Father

"Daddy I missed you!!" Channie squealed pushing his twin Minhyuk and hugged his Dad then lend his hands open wide confusing Mark and just raised it's eyebrow


"Okay2x But Channie you shouldn't push Minhyuk okay? He's still Older" Mark said and gave the whole baggage to him

"But Daddy~ he told Six my secret.... I'm mad!" He said taking the baggage with his baby hands forcing his small body to carry it

"Minhyuk" Haechan warned his son making him pout

"Yes Mom" he mumbled and kissed his Mother hugging the tummy before going after Channie

"Come here my King, I want cuddles" He said making his Husband grin and crawled at him

"Everything my Queen wants"

A/N: Do you guy's smell that?




End 😂

(This is the real Ending I swear)

I just want to say thank you to the people who read this Book of mine I love you alll!! Silent reader or not I appreciate it 🥰💕


The End

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