☘Chapter 25

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"Yeah right you went to School, but your limping Hyuck" Jaemin said looking at Haechan that is being held by Mark

"Just shh! And it was Mark's fault"

"Didn't you sa-...... Okay okay Yeah it was my fault" Mark said when Haechan glared at him

"Damn Mark, how many rounds did you do and to what extent was it" Jeno said sitting in between Renjun and Jaemin

"Well I guess we did it 5 to 8 rounds and we started in the living roo-

"Hyung! You don't need to elaborate it!" jisung said annoyed covering his boyfriends ear although he knows that Chenle is not that innocent anymore

"Where is my babies btw"

"Ohhh~ you sound like a real Mom hyung!"

"Lele............... I am a Mom"

"Oh right sollee hyung"

"Sooo?" Haechan

"Ahh their at the clinic with Taeyong hyung" Renjun

"Where's Ten hyung?"

"He had a last minute surgery" Nana

"I see~"

They talk and talk after the break they went to their classes

*Fast forward>>>>>*

After the classes they went to the Clinic and went in, They saw Johnny and Ten taking care of the Twins

"Hyung I'll take the twins sorry for the bother" Haechan said as the couple smiled

"Ohh Hyuck don't worry, we enjoyed it and beside Johnny here miss playing with a baby" Ten hyung said handing Minnie to Haechan

"Right Hyung where is Taeyong?"

"Tae and Jae went to the hideout" Jeno nodded and went out together with his boyfriends same for Chensung

"Their just so cute and tiny, well Six is already 2 so his not that cute anymore his just getting more handsome" Johnny said giving Channie to Mark as they laugh

"Btw where Six Hyung?"

"He's having he's first class, and he's quite popular with omega's and beta's"

"I heared he punch a guy who called him with his first name" Mark chuckled

"Yeah he doesn't like it when someone calls him with his real name" Johnny

"There's nothing to get mad though, I mean you chose a good name for him" Hyuck

The couple chose an mix English Thai name for Six (Johnvin Sixth Ruang Sak Seo) to make it easier for others to call him but the young alpha seemed to be picky to whom calls him with his real name it's like a privilege to who he picks that can use it

"I think he just don't want random people to call him by his real name" Ten said

"Channie here is lucky that he have a handsome and attractive mate"

"Hyung don't be so cocky, btw we gotta go now Hyuck needs to rest Bye Ten Hyung Johnny"  Mark said while chuckling as they went to Mark's own car putting the twin at the back putting the seatbelt that also has a protection spell

"I'm tired school is getting more hectic" Haechan said resting his head at the car as Mark started driving

"Of course it will"

"But you must be more worn out love, graduating students have more works to do"

"It's okay as long as I see my babies and Queen It will all go away" Mark said making his husband smile shyly

*At the home*

"What do you want?" Haechan ask preparing their dinner at the kitchen

"Anything Babe" Mark said while taking care of their twins in the living room that are crying

"Uwwaa! Uwaaaaaa-"

"Waaa!!!! uwaaawaaa! Ahhhh!!"

The twins seemed to have their own competition to whom cries louder as their father groaned putting them at the wide sofa

"Looovveee~ I can't make them stop, They must be hungry!"

Haechan sigh and stop what his doing and went to Mark

"I guess they are" Haechan took Minhyuk first and let him suck at his bud

"Hng~ aww"

"Does it hurt love?" Mark backhugged Haechan and kissed his neck softly feeling him nod

"I guess it's because his an Alpha, while Channie just tickles" Mark said as Haechan finally finished feeding Minhyuk

"Wha- Mark! Ahhh~"

Mark layed him in the couch and started sucking his husband's nipple in a soft way easing the pain

"Hmmm~ Thank you love" Haechan said kissing his Husband as they kissed longer from what they expected forgetting Channie until he cried loudly taking both their attention

He started feeding Channie and gave him to Mark after and went back to the Kitchen

"Change their diapers!!"


They finished preparing and ate their dinner in peace with their babies as they both went straight to their bed feeling tired, they exchange goodnight and slept

After an hour Channie started crying making the couple grunt

"Bu! Buu!! Uwaaaaaa!! Uwaaa!!!"

"I'll get it" Haechan said as Mark just nodded feeling really tired when Minhyuk also started crying

"Ahhh!!  Uwaaa!!  Uwaaaaa!!!!"

Mark went to his wife taking Minhyuk

"Mark your tired you should rest"

"It's okay love"

"But still..... *sighI'm sorry~" Haechan making the other look at him, he made his Husband face him with his free hand and stare at him seriously

"Baby what are you saying?"

"But your so tired with the Graduating thingy also the Mafia dutie and your works for being the Prince Alpha"

"Love sshh don't say that, we both want these in our own and I will never get tired or irritated by doing these... " He kissed the latter passionately before backing away

"We're unto these together okay?" Haechan smiled thinking how lucky he is to have a mate like Mark

'Being a parent and student at the same time is hard but they can't help but love the feeling of being a parent'



Ruang Sak means mighty; powerful in Thai

While Johnvin Sixth .... I just made it up (I like making up names)

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