☘Chapter 3

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*Black Forest*

Some might find it creepy with me liking the Black Forest since it's gloomy, dark, dangerous, leaves weathered but me....... I find it peaceful, relaxing I mean no one can bother you here and everytime I go here I feel like nothing bad will happen to me like someone is there to protect me

"So these is your instructor here he will guide you all how to protect yourselves, so today you will all group your selves into 7, and each group of you should get 1 Black Mamba, I know that you can only find that things far far from here until the next wall to the dangerous side but don't worry we have spells for all of you, and don't go teaming up yourselves I already prepared the groups" Mr. Kim said as the instructor started explaining it

Mark POV

After the instructing etc they cast some spell to the omega and beta's since we alphas can handle those mambas were imune to it

"Sorry we can't cast some spell anymore"

I heard them said as I look at my mates side

"I don't know why but I really feel so weak all of a sudden after casting the spell to them(Chenle, Renjun)" The witch said as my eyebrow twitch in confusion

'What do you mean they can't cast another spell!? What if something happen to my mate!?' I link to Doyoung hyung feeling myself getting mad as I controlled my pheromones

'Mark come down just take care of him, why? Can't you protect your mate? '

'Of course I ca!-'

'Then protect him, Jeno is also nagging at me so bye'

He said while I just let out an annoyed sigh

What if he bleed hisself ?

I might not control myself......

Haechan POV

"What if something happens to us?" I ask

"You have an Alpha's with you 4 (Me, Jaemin, Renjun, Chenle) since Mark, Jeno and Jisung will also be with you in one group" Mr. Kim said while the others whined not being able to group with the Hottest Alpha's

We walk inside as Jaemin held my hands scared at the darkness of the forest, Chenle is also holding hands with Renjun which he didn't really mind since he also wants to protect the younger

Mark POV

I saw my mate holding his friends hand making my blood boil, yeah I know their both Omega and best friends but tf I don't want other people holding my mate hands or any part of him

'Yah! Get your mate's hand from my Jaemin' Jeno

I rolled my eyes as he mindlike me

'You think I also want Jaemin to hold my mate, and he's not even yours why are you angrier than me'

'Tss! I have the feeling'

'Yeah right just feelings'


"Yah! Why don't we separate ways so that we can find it faster" Jisung said as we all look at him at saying 'yah' The disrespect really.. kids these days

"Okay then!, So I'll go with Haecha-"

"No, Omegas should pair up with Alpha's, You two doesn't have a protection spell" I said cutting Jaemin off while looking at Haechan his beautiful Doe eyes looking back at me

"Mark's right, you all need Someone to protect you after all it's really dangerous behind that wall and I guess I can take care of Jaemin and Renjun" Jeno said smiling at them

"I will take care of Chenle then" Jisung said looking at the flustered boy

"We will call each other if any one of us has already taken the BM" Jeno said and we all nodded as all of them immediately left leaving me and Haechan alone


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