☘Chapter 2

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Haechan POV

"So what's our next subject?" I ask and they look at me

"What? You can't expect me to suddenly memorize our schedule, It's just the first day, and beside I'm tired" I said while shrugging

"Right so Chenle is your schedule the same as us? I mean your 1 year lower than us?" Jaemin asked

"As I saw our schedules yesterday we have 5 same classes over 7, and I remember that we only have different classes at night so in day we will be together~~" Chenle said while singing opera err

"As expected, our genius baby dolphin did you memorize it dear?" Jaemin said while patting Chenle's head as he nodded

"So what's our next?" Renjun

"Science, Room 12 at the blue building near east" Chenle said as me and Jaemin clapped at him while Renjun nodded his head as he acknowledge the smartness of chenle even though he's loud af

*Blue Building*

"There it is!" Jaemin said sighing in relief after all the walk we did

We stood infront of the room as Renjun stop me from opening the door and look at him confuse

"Look" he whispered and pointed the names outside that I think will be our soon to be classmates, I look at it closer and my eyes widen as I covered my mouth preventing a sound to came out

Huang Renjun
Blaa blaaaa
Na Jaemin
Blaa. Blaa
Park Jisung
Blaaa bla bla
Blaa bla
Mark Lee!!!?
Lee Jeno
Lee Donghyuck
Blaa bla bla
Blaaaaa bla
Zhong Chenle

What!!?? For the first time in 3 years we're going to be classmates I can't-

"Ahhhhhh!!!!~" Chenle squeeled really loud that we immediately covered our ears

"Chenle!!" Me/Jaemin/Renjun shouted making him stop

Jisung appeared infront of us looking worried as Mark and Jeno also came out of the classroom as well as the other students

Jisung's worried face was turned into normal as he saw nothing bad has happend while jeno was looking at both Jaemin and Renjun
While Mark.......... Even though I'm not looking I can see in my peripheral vision that his staring at me

"What's going on here? Get inside all of you" Mr. Kim said

We got inside and sat everywhere we want while Mark, Jeno and Jisung is behind us and I know that he's still staring at me

"So Hello everyone, for those who doesn't know me yet I'm Kim Dongyoung you can all call me Mr. Kim so as you all know these subj. that I will be teaching you all is Science so with no further a due let's start" Mr. Kim said while one of our classmates raise her hand

"Umm~ Mr. Kim aren't we going to introduce ourselves" she said flirtatiously while eyeing Mr. Kim as he just rolled his eyes Yes Mr. Kim is handsome or cute But not my type bro too old for me well not too old but yeah

"That doesn't matter as long as you all pass your quiz, test, activities or performance with your name in it you will be able to pass these subject, And also I have the list of your names here so it doesn't really matter" he said and eyed the people behind us which is MJJ .......... ??

"Okay let's start, for your first semester we will only have experiments and from what I mean Start we will literally start now. All of you proceed to the Black forest" Mr. Kim said while the other girls whined about their outfits getting dirty tss brats

"Haechan let's go" Renjun said

I sat up from my sit and walk with them


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