☘Chapter 20

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*3 months later*

Haechan was out from the Hospital after staying their for a month as they move to their own house after it that their parents brought for them surprising the two mates

"Hahhaha! Mark s-stop!!" Haechan was now giggling while his Alpha is giving him kisses around his face and neck

"Okay I'll stop if you don't do it again" Mark said referring what just happened earlier

"Okay!" Mark just sigh knowing well that something would happen again today was already tiring for him

His mate well Haechan was just having his moodswing again the Mansion that was brought for them was still strange for the brunette as he would keep on wandering around not giving a notice to Mark, the Alpha would always be shock to see his mate disappearing

The first thing that happened today was Haechan pouring a cold! cold! Water at Mark and worst he put a handcuffs at him so he was shivering in Cold not being able to move

Second Haechan was just breaking the watermelons using a hammer in the basement enjoying the sight of it being cracked, if Mark didn't saw him after 5 hours of looking for him it would have all gone to waste already

Imagine out of 100 watermelons in the basement he broke 60+ of it you really can't predict a Pregnant Omega

'Mark was so broken by the sight of the cracked watermelons but he can't get mad at his cute pregnant mate'

Third he had a tantrums about not being able to eat what he wants that was also bad for the babies health

And also with many more. That just happened in a day what more from the past months and for the future

"Let's sleep I know your tired... goodnight" Mark said and wrap the blanket for the both of them

"Goodnight I wuv you!"

"I love you too!"

Mark waited for Haechan to fell asleep as he was sure that his pregnant omega was now in a deep slumber he stretch out his hand to the side table where hes phone is and texted Kevin

'Order another hundred Watermelons'

*The Next Day*

Mark was now at their Mansions living room

".......Be clear, check the place's carefully if I see something wrong your all dead"

He was instructing his men about something when he cought them not paying attention, they were looking at his back

The Alpha look behind him and saw his gorgeous mate waddling it's way to him he was only wearing an oversized T-shirt that the older owns, his beautiful legs all to it's glory exposed to everyone

His people we're stunned by the glowing beauty, Haechan was getting more and more prettier after being pregnant he was stunningly gorgeous and was glowing beautifully

'As expected by the Prince Alpha's mate' they thought

"Love.... you shouldn't be wandering around, your pregnant" he said kissing the lips of his gorgeous mate and glared at his people that was drooling over his mate

"That's all, I don't want any mistake, dismissed!"

"Y-yes Alpha!" They said and kneel down before disappearing

"You look hot" The latter whispered in a seductive way tracing his finger at the Olders toned abs, Mark raising his eyebrow surprise that the latter already unbuttoned his shirt

"Baby not now, your preg- argh!.... fck" he groaned when the latter teasingly pinch his dck

Haechan snakes his arms around the Olders nape biting his lips and rested his exposed thigh at the waist, he was seducing him and he knows that the Alpha can't resist it

He kissed the Olders neck licking and sucking it making him groan he carried the Latter holding it's round perky ass massaging it making the latter grind on him as they moaned

They walk to their room still kissing each other as they both finally arrive to their destination Mark hovering his pregnant mate that is laying so hot and sexy under him... it was so tempting

Haechan grab the Alpha's neck inviting another hungry kiss Mark kissed the latter roughly biting it's lip entering it's tongue inside the youngers hot cavern his hand roaming around the curvy body as they undress each other

"S-slowly the babies.... Aaahhh~" He entered inside the younger tight hole slowly yet deep making the beauty go crazy at the pleasure, the Older was getting in a faster pace still careful as he did it at the way they both want, deep and passionate and the mild roughness that they both want although they want it more rough and aggressive they can't since the latter is pregnant... But still it was enough for them..

"Ahhhh!!... Mark!" The both cummed together feeling satisfied as the Older carried his pregnant mate

"Let's clean up" he said kissing his glowing mate bathing him with care, but knowing that he has a Horny Alpha they did again

In the bathroom....


Sorry!! For the long wait I was so busy with my exam and projects it was so hectic that I would always sleep straight whenever I come home from school

Hope you guy's like it 💚❤️☘️

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