☘Chapter 19

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Haechan was laying at the hospital Bed, while Ten was checking on him every hour he saved the baby and it almost caused him his power it was a Prince's child after all but it was okay Haechan was also precious to him he can't handle seeing him broken if he didn't do it

"Ten how is he?" Haechan's Dad ask

"He's fine Uncle he just need a rest"

"T-the baby?" Ten smiled at Baekhyun and held his hand

"It's healthy now Auntie thanks to you" Ten said, Haechan's mother gave him a great amount of spell energy that his power went back normal again but not that strong anymore still it was enough he can build it up again

"No I should be thankful to you Ten, it's just the right thing to do and besides I have a great husband here to energized me again" They Laugh at each other and went out the office

They checked the other room and saw Mark sitting beside the hospital bed staring at the Sleeping beauty

"I'm really sorry Uncle, Auntie" Mark said getting teary he was like that for weeks always blaming his self although it's obviously not

"Son it's not your fault"


"Mark without you something worst could have happen, I'm proud that you handled it yourself" Chanyeol said and hug the Young Alpha

After the small session It was only Mark and Haechan left alone the room, Both parents went to the HQ to have a meeting

"Love isn't it already time for you to wake up" Mark said staring at the glowing beauty and kissed the dry pale lips biting it, his lip were shivering....... after a week he finally had the strength to kiss the latter he was too busy blaming hisself stressing his mind and body

His eyes widened when he felt a hand in his nape deepening the kiss

tears started flowing down his cheeks

'Finally he was awake'

He back off a little looking at his beautiful mate under him, his tears falling down at the cheeks of the latter

"L-love.. Don't cry" The latter said kissing the Alpha's lips again now more passionate missing the warmth of each other

The older was about to say something when Haechan cut him off

"Don't......  Apologize or blame yourself again I've had enough I might be sleeping but I can hear everything around me and Mark pls it's not your fault baby" He said hugging the Older

He just nodded and hug him back as they both enjoyed the silence.....  It was until the door opened loudly

"Yah!!! You didn't even inform us that Haechan was awake!" Jaemin said pulling the Alpha away to it's mate and hug his pregnant friend, Mark glared at the Pink haired omega but was also glared by Jeno and patted his shoulder

"Right if we didn't saw it at the cctv, we wouldn't have known" Renjun said Hugging Haechan together with Chenle

"Get off all of you, you might squish the babies" Mark said making the 3 Omega back away, almost immediately as they look at them shock

"Yeah, were having twins we still don't know the gender though" Haechan said although he was sleeping for the past weeks as he said earlier he can hear everything

They informed it to the Neo members and visited Haechan day by day

"HAECHAN!!! Hiiii we brought fruit for you and your babies!" Lucas said entering the Private Room together with Jungwoo and their child and also the others

"Omo!! Your really pregnant!?" Jungwoo said as they put their gifts at the table

"I'm excited to see your babies Hyuck"  Winwin said putting down his child as the kids pleaded their parents to play at their own playground

"Ayys we shouldn't have brought them" Taeyong Opened a portal as the kids happily went inside as they played, Ten and Yangyang's son's were left behind since they were only 1 year old not being able to walk properly

"Yieee! It's our first time to see your baby Yangyang!" Renjun squeeled as he played with the baby together with Chenle

"Six seems to really like you Hyuck" Ten said as the baby made a grabby Hands to him

"It's okay hyung I'm used to it" Haechan said and took Twenty who is giggling, beside his 3 other bestfriends he have met the baby before because of Mark

"Awiieeee Hyung! Six is so cute and handsome why did we only see him just now~" Jaemin said while playing with Six that is cuddling at Hyuck

"By the way Ten hyung I really want to know what happened?" Chenle said talking about his lose of power and as of why he did it

"*sigh Okay I'll tell you but, Alphas! Out!!" Ten said as the they whined being away from their mates but went out afterwards being shooed by the bottoms (A-*winks*)

"So actually I had a miscarriage for my first son with Johnny years ago because of our Enemies who wanted to have our rank position so they had a surprise ambush in our past Hideout, it caught us red-handed and not prepared since  some of us were pregnant only I'm the one who couldn't save my baby, they were too many so after that incident, I didn't take care of my Hospital and also I wasn't still a nurse on your school, I depressed myself and lock myself in my room for almost a year but thankfully I tried to move on by being the nurse at your School so that Johnny would be with me always"

"So that's why you were cold and serious the first time we saw you!" Jaemin

"Yeah *chuckle* the road to moving on was sooo hard so it was the only thing that I could think while holding on the baby of Hyuck, I didn't want you to experience it too" He said while looking at Haechan who has his son sleeping in his arms

"But I'm okay now! Since I have Six and besides me and Johnny can still make more hahhah"

"But I'm really thankfull to you Hyung, I can't imagine myself loosing my first baby...  Thank you"

"Your welcome Hyuck"

All of them continued talking as they were getting closer and closer to each other knowing more information about each other and their bond getting more powerful

'Forgetting their Alphas that was outside the Hospital'


Huhuhu I'm so confused right now should I change the name of Ten's son to Zero? Seven? Thirty? Or One

Eiiihhh people might tell it's similar to Chogiwanese (well it is the same) But! You know!? People might Bash me (hahhaha)

💚Pls tell me what you think

Edited: I've changed it to Six (I don't know why... But yeah Six, just six But! It's just the nickname

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