☘Chapter 15

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A week past and it was finally Haechan's Birthday

"What will you give me?" The younger asked looking at the Alpha that is sipping in his wine

"Uhh that's a secret love" The Alpha said hiding his nervousness knowing that he didn't bought anything and was to cought up planning about the Ambush to their Chinese enemy

"You didn't forget right?" The golden beauty ask wrapping his hands around the Alpha's neck,  the scent of the Omega lulling him making him weak causing him to almost reveal the secret

"U-uhmm I'm sorr-

"Haechan! It's time to blow the candle Honey!!"

"Yes mom! Coming!" The latter replied at his Mom smiling and look at the Alpha at the same time his smile turning into a frown

"Let's talk about these later" The younger said sending shiver to the Alpha

Haechan POV

I tried to hide my dissapointment and blowed the candle knowing they put so much effort for me

I thanked all of the people who greeted me and just put a force smile that they seemed to believe

But of course my Bestfriends would notice it

"Haechan is there anything wrong?  You look down" Jaemin ask as I sat beside them

"Just Mark"

"What about him?" Renjun said while handing me an expensive wine

"He doesn't have a gift, he forgat"

"Don't worry hyung!!, I'll buy you anything you want! (Sanaol)"

"Chenle, Haechan can probably buy anything he wants" Renjun said giving him a look

"Haechan it's not that he forgat,  he's just kinda busy" Jeno

"Why what is he doing?"

"You should probably asked it to him yourself hyung" Jisung said making me frown

"I'm going to the bathroom" I said as they nodded

I walk to the wide hallways by myself since all of them might be at the Party room getting wasted

"Wha!-" Someone suddenly pulled me cornering me in a wall inside a dark room

"Who- Mark?" I ask as he turned on the light

"You want your gift" he ask lighting up my mood

I nodded furiously as he suddenly kissed me harshly sucking my lower lip making me moan

"Wha- hmmm" he didn't let me talk and just continued kissing me he was kissing so deep, his tongue roaming inside my mouth while sucking my shy tongue hard numbing it as he was pulling me more closer

I pulled away gasping running out of breath as he pulled me again kissing me full in the lip some of my saliva already dripping down of my mouth by the harsh and aggressive kiss

I tried to push him but he didn't budge he was stronger, I whined at him as I was almost running out of breath as he gave me a peck one last time before pulling away

"*gasp!* Are you trying to kill me!!?" I ask while panting slapping his chest

"*chuckles* Sorry love" he said caressing my waist

"And what about the gift?" I ask as he smirk



"I'm the gift"

I deadpan at him dissapointed by what he said but I was taken aback when he suddenly unbuttoned his shirt revealing his toned abs, my mouth gaping at the sight and felt my body getting hotter


"You don't you want me~" he ask smirking getting closer, hovering at me making me feel his toned abs

"M-mark~ ahhh" I moaned when he suddenly grind his hard on unto mine

He carried me to the bed and throw me there making me squeal at the sudden action

"Now for your real gift" he said and started undressing me....  I'm at the right age now right?

We were now both naked as he started kissing my neck down to my nipple sucking on it as I grab a handful of his hair feeling the heat of both of our body

"M-mark!! AHHH!!....... Aw! It hurts!!" I cried in pain as I felt something painful in my thigh, and saw something glowing

"Babe, it's craving" He whispered down caressing my thigh as I whimpered feeling a waveheat of pleasure taking over me

"Turn around baby" I followed what he said despite the pleasure I'm feeling trembling my body

"Hnngg~ ahhh! Mark!" I moaned in pleasure as he spreaded my ass and started licking my hole his tongue doing wanders as I squeak when he suddenly slammed a finger

"Ahh! Mark!!" He added another finger as I felt my hole slightly ripping as he wriggled his finger inside me mewling at the sloppy movement that he was doing as I got used to his finger and whined at him feeling a dissatisfaction, I wanted something more bigger that it

"Mark just fuck me!" I whined at him feeling the slow pace of his finger

"Ask nicely baby~" he said making me whine as I look at him with a puppy eyes

"Daddy please~" I said seductively and I swear I can almost see the scent of his strong Alpha pheromone......

It was too strong.......

"Fuck" he's curse was the last thing I heard as he slammed at me hard making me shout in both pain and pleasure he was going so beasty both of us immerse by the pleasure were feeling that I even lost my voice at the countless round we did at that night


A/N- Don't mind the (Sanaol) that was put on Chenle's sentence, and sorry if I dissapointed you by the scene I was not in the mood and was making quick 💚

Sorry guys I republished these again because of some phone error I can't seem to be able to enumerate my chapters accordingly but I'm trying to work it out sorry again

I actually want to thank Dehydrated_Banana for commenting about the mess up Chapter if I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have realize the errors 💚️☘️

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