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Everything happened in slow motion as if I was watching an actor doing one of the scenes in a k-drama, Taehyung slowly turned around and faced me with his eyes wide open, as if he was still unable to understand the situation.

He moved slowly towards me and stood in front of me, his hands moved instantly and started touching my face and caressing my cheek lovingly, his eyes held something more than friendship, they held all the love that he kept inside of him and never showed it in the last days, weeks, or probably even months when I wasn't here.

He wrapped his strong arms around my frail body, enveloping me in his warmth and love, the Pharaoh finally showed one of his good sides after such a long time.

"You're back," he said while his voice was shaking and his body was trembling against mine. I tried to break the hug so I can get a better look at his face but he didn't want to let go of me, he was stubbornly keeping me in his embrace, as if I was going to disappear once he lets go of me and that made me chuckle in disbelief, is he the same person that ordered the guards to kill an innocent girl for no reason?

"Why did you come back? I thought that I'll never find you, especially since you wanted to go back to the present from the very beginning, why are you here now?" He asked his voice nearly inaudible but I was still able to hear him from the close proximity.

"Is it important?" I asked, and he slowly moved away from me but his hands were still caressing my cheeks, refusing to stop touching me.

"No, all I care about is that you're here now, beside me" He said and his face moved closer to mine and I felt nervous as he was about to kiss me but my hand moved instantly and hid my lips in order to not let him do anything, he looked a bit hurt from my action but reacted fast and left some space between us.

After he congratulated the guards for doing a good job at bringing me back to Egypt and keeping me safe, he ordered one of the servants to bring me to a room so I can rest from the long journey. After taking a relaxing bath, I wore some comfortable clothes and was about to sit on the bed but I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Come in," I said and stood up correctly. The person stepped inside the room and it didn't take me too much time to recognize him, he was the weird guy who kind of helped me escape from Egypt at that time.

"It's good to see you again!" I said cheerfully as I was strangely happy to see him, even though his behaviors were nothing close to normal but he was helpful so many times before.

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