Chapter 3

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A few hours later, Conor and I were sitting on the couch, take out boxes all over the coffee table. We had just finished dinner and were currently ranting about Jay while a random movie played in the background. Well, I was ranting. Conor was listening politely, throwing in a comment every now and then and asking questions about our relationship.

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I just don't understand why he won't leave you alone after you've asked him to. Why doesn't he just go back to that girl he cheated with?" Conor asked.

"He likes having someone he can control. He knows I'm weak and that he can push me around. That's why he's always testing the limits. He knows that I'll let him get away with anything and eventually he can give me a bullshit apology and I'll just come right back to him. I really don't want to do that this time though." I said, taking another swig of my drink. We pulled the alcohol back out about an hour ago.

He shook his head and sighed. "I just don't get why you would let him treat you that way."

"Haven't you ever thought you loved someone and put up with more than you should've?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess I have. Touché."

"I've spent so long being upset over things he does but now I'm just pissed. I want to get back at him, make him understand how much it hurts to have someone screw you over." I huffed, pouring a shot and downing it instantly, cringing at the taste.

Conor smirked. "I think that's the alcohol talking. You're not the type to get revenge. You're too 'goody two shoes'."

"That's the problem! I'm sick of being so...responsible. It's no fun! I've spent my whole life trying to do everything the right way and I'm so sick of it. I just want to have fun for once, do something just for the hell of it. Just to make myself happy."

"So do it." He said casually. "I agree, you should be more spontaneous."

I nodded. "I should." I took another shot. "I'm sick of being so good all the time."

He laughed lightly. We were sitting sideways on the couch, facing each other. My legs tucked up under me, he had one hanging off the couch and the other underneath him as well. I rested my head on my hand, my arm propped up on the back of the couch as I watched him laugh.

"What?" He asked curiously.

"Did I interrupt you having a girl over tonight?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Technically I do have a girl over tonight." He joked.

I smiled. I always noticed Conor was attractive, but we became such good friends when we met, I didn't think anything of it. It was starting to stand out to me now more than ever, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or the fact that I was angry at Jay and wanted to get back at him.

"You're staring." Conor smirked.

"Sorry." I blushed. "I was just thinking."

"About?" He asked.


"It obviously was something." He pressed.

I shook my head. "I don't think you want to know."

He grinned. "I probably already do. You're not very subtle when you're drunk."

I blushed again, shifting awkwardly in my seat. "What do you think I'm thinking?"

"That you want to get back at Jay...and you're staying at my place tonight. You know the reputation I have."

I looked down, unsure of what to say.

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