Chapter 29

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A couple of hours later, Hannah and I were headed back to the hotel, new dress in tow.

Originally, I was looking at short dresses, telling Hannah I didn't need to get anything too fancy, but she insisted I get something as lavish as dramatic as I wanted. I had opted for a beautiful mermaid style gown with a sweetheart neckline all covered in lace. Although Conor had given me an unlimited budget, I was still conscious of the prices, trying not to spend too much.

Hannah bought a dress as well, forcing me to pick a color and style. I told her she could wear whatever she wanted and that she would obviously be my Maid of Honor, regardless. We eventually compromised, picking a dress both of us appreciated. Hannah told me that she had set up an appointment for the boys to go get suits at the same time I was picking a dress, so everyone would look nice.

We made our way up to the hotel room that Hannah and Anth were sharing, leaving both of the dresses there so Conor wouldn't be tempted to see mine before it was time to.

"What's the plan now?" I asked as we made our way down the hall to the elevators.

Hannah smiled mischievously. "Now it's time for your bachelorette party!"

"Wait, what?" I laughed. "What about the guys?"

"Oh, they're having Conor's bachelor party when they are done getting their tuxes." She replied.

I pulled my phone out, hitting Conor's name under my contacts.

"What are you doing?" Hannah asked curiously.

"Making sure Conor behaves himself." I joked.

He answered on the second ring."Hey babe. Pick a dress?"

"I sure did. What are you up to?" I asked.

The doors to the elevator opened to reveal Conor's smiling face, the rest of the boys crammed into the elevator behind him, clothing bags thrown over their shoulders.

"We're just dropping off our tuxes." He said, pecking me on the lips. "Where are you two off to?"

"Bachelorette party time!" Hannah said enthusiastically.

"We're headed out for Conor's bachelor party as well after this." Jack smiled.

"Are you in charge of it?" I asked curiously.

He nodded and I turned my attention to Conor.

"Don't do anything stupid. And don't listen to anything Jack tells you to do." I said seriously.

Everyone laughed and I cracked a smile.

"I'll behave, I promise." Conor smirked.

"Come on then! Let's get going." Josh whined.

"Yes! Time for a lot of alcohol and even more strippers!" Mikey said excitedly.

I gave Conor a warning look and he shook his head subtly.

"We'll be good." He mumbled.

I smiled in satisfaction."Alright, we have a spa appointment to get to!" Hannah chimed in.

"You guys have fun." I said, kissing Conor one last time.

Hannah and I stepped into the elevator as we laughed at the guys sprinting down the hallway excitedly to their hotel rooms.


After spending a couple of hours being pampered at the spa that Hannah had booked, we continued on with the plans she had made for the remainder of the day. The two of us did some shopping, went to a nice dinner, saw a show, then headed back to the hotel to get changed into the dresses we had purchased while we were out shopping. She insisted we go dancing and I agreed.

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