Chapter 18

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The next day we piled into the car with Jack following behind us and made our way to the home that Conor and Jack grew up in. I grew increasingly nervous the closer we became, and I was in full on anxiety mode by the time we pulled up to the house.

"Stop freaking out." Conor smirked, placing a hand on my thigh.

"I'm fine." I said, forcing a smile.Jack snickered as he leaned into Conor's open window and Conor rolled his eyes. "If you say so."

We got out of the car and made our way to the door, Jack entering the house first with Conor tugging me along behind him. The rest of the family filed into the room excitedly when Jack announced our presence. They shuffled around exchanging hugs and Anna made her way to me first, throwing her arms around me with a big smile on her face.

"Thank God you're here so it's not just me and the boys!" She joked. "It's so good to see you!"

"You too!" I smiled. "How've you been?"

Anna opened her mouth to respond just as her mother came up to us with a happy squeal.

"Layla! So lovely to finally meet you!" She pulled me into a bone-crushing hug and I returned it.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person, Mrs. Maynard." I smiled.

"It's Helen, dear." She replied. "No need for formalities!"

"And Gary to you as well." Conor's dad smiled, coming up to greet me.

"We are just so happy to have you!" Helen smiled, clapping her hands together. "Conor's spoken so highly of you for years."

"Took him this long to finally sucker her into dating him." Jack snickered.

"Oh hush, Jack." She scolded him. "I'm just so thrilled. Conor doesn't bring home girls often. You must be very special to him."

"Mum." Conor cut in, rolling his eyes.

"I hope so. He's very special to me." I replied, a small smile on my face as I blushed.

Helen beamed as Jack made a gagging noise. Conor kept a straight face but placed a hand around my waist at my words.

"Come on then! Dinner is almost ready." She smiled, waving us to the dining room.

"Can I help with anything?" I offered.

"Everything is taken care of, love. Thank you."

A few minutes later, everything was placed on the dining room table and we were gathered around it, eating and making casual conversation.

"So, Conor never told me how you two ended up together after being friends for all these years!" Helen questioned.

I could see Jack grinning and holding back a laugh as Anna spoke up."He obviously had a crush on her for a long time."

"Shut up, Anna." Conor mumbled, blushing lightly.

"What changed for you, Layla?" Helen pressed.

I looked at Conor before answering. "Well, Conor was always a good friend to me, especially while I was going through a rough time. When my ex and I broke up, we just...grew closer. He was always so kind to me. I guess I just had a harder time seeing it when I was blinded by a bad relationship." I shrugged nervously.Conor placed a hand on my thigh under the table, giving it a soft squeeze.

"Well, I'm glad he's been a gentleman. That's all I've ever wanted from him." She replied.

"He is. It's nice to be treated so well." I smiled.

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