.Chapter Seven.

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Dedicated to  HaierSky who pushed me to finish writing chapter seven with a comment that made me smile and give me that little bit of inspiration I needed to finish it.

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Chapter Seven                         Evalyn

“It was amazing and he was super cute, holding the door open for me and being sweet the whole night-” I couldn’t listen to any more of how well Isabella and Carter date had went last night. I had seen Carter heading out the door but didn’t know where he was off to until this morning. As soon as I saw Isabella it was all she could talk about.

"Eva, hurry your cute behind up," Vic called over her shoulder as she ran ahead.

I rolled my eyes at her and said to Isabella who was walking beside me, "Did you give her sugar for breakfast?"

She held up her hands in the innocent ‘I didn't do it’ gesture and said," Wasn't me this time, I learned my lesson the last time I gave her sugar and she was like a humming bird for the rest of the day."

"You snuck some sugar this morning, didn't you," I said to Vic who was now waiting for us and bouncing on the ball of her feet.

When we caught up to her she fell into step with us. "Maybe," she stage whispered.

I threw my arm over her shoulder and pulled her to me in a semi hug while we continued to walk and said, "That means yes." Vic giggled not denying anything.

We reached the bus and I let them on first then followed behind them. I looked around to see who was on the bus, not many people yet but we were also here a few minutes early.  Not even Carter and Owen were here yet.

Ever since my mum's birthday a few days ago, I hadn't seen Carter very much. He was always on the go; the only time I was positive he would be there was for dinner. Usually he wouldn't be home until just before and right after he would lock himself away in his room and be gone by the time I got up in the morning. Vic had been driving the rest of us to school in the morning. I had no clue where he went off to in the morning. Owen hadn’t driven in with us today because he had a school meeting before the bus had to leave and he had to get here even earlier then us.

Shaking myself mentally, I picked a seat: one that wasn't too close to the front where the teacher and teacher pets would be, but also not to close to the back where there always seemed to be a mini party going on. I wanted to sleep! Vic and Isabella had woken me up super early this morning, and I was not a morning person. We had to be at the school for eight, they had decided that six was the perfect time for them to show up at my front door and wake me up. Worse yet, my mum had let them in!

I pulled my travel pillow out of my backpack and leaning into it I closed my eyes, trying to get a little more sleep. And I was almost asleep a few minutes later when somebody started tickling my neck. Jumping fully awake, I grabbed the hand that was tickling me and glared at the person who the hand belonged to.

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