.Chapter Thirty Nine. FINAL CHAPTER!

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Chapter Thirty Nine                                Evalyn

It was only six at night but rehearsal was supposed to end at four, so I was starving –no food was allowed while in rehearsal. I stopped by the grocery store that was around the corner from the shared dorm I was in. It was more like an apartment building that the company got for singers that weren’t from around here and didn’t have their own place. I grabbed a few fresh ingredients, thinking about what I had in my fridge at home. Spaghetti sounded like a good idea since it was quick and easy to make and all I had to buy was the hamburger.

I walked the short distance home; it was only ten minutes from school to home so I hadn’t bothered to buy a car. Once I closed and locked my door behind me I took a quick shower and pulled on my comfy clothes- old sweat pants and a shirt of Carters that I had stolen from him months ago. Confidently, I chopped some garlic and onion to add to the hamburger and began cooking as I dialed Vic number. Talking to her for a few minutes while I let my food cook.

 “I miss you. Come home. Now,” whined Vic a few minutes into the phone call. I had been in Montreal for just over a month now and I loved it, but I missed my best friend. It was just as busy if not more so than Toronto. I loved the company I had signed on with. There were kids of all ages, the eldest being twenty years old.

“I know lady, I miss you to. But you’ll see me next month when you come down for the play,” I reminded her.

“How are rehearsals going?” she asked.

“We were just finishing up the minor details and getting everything just right. If we thought Mr. Conner had been crazy about getting every last detail right. It was nothing compared to the stage director and music director that wants us to be able to do all the steps and songs in our sleep. There were night I woke up and I swore I had been singing in my dreams,” I said, not exaggerating in the slightest. I tested the noodles to see if they were done and pulled them off the heat. I piled a healthy portion onto one of my clean plates and scooped some sauce on top as I listened to her.

“That’s freaking crazy, but I can’t wait to see. From what you’ve told me it’s going to be great. I know your parents can’t wait to see you again,” she said and I could hear the second when she mentally cursed for bring them up, it was a topic we tried to avoid because the move had been hard on me but harder on Carter.

“How is he?” I hesitated to ask. I missed him so much, even if I would never tell him that. He hadn’t come to visit since I had moved. Mom and Colin had been down once just to see the place I was staying and look around. They had said he was busy that weekend and they would bring him with them on opening night, but I wasn’t sure if even they could get him to come.

“He’s getting better, not as sad, still not seeing anybody. I know you hate to hear it but he’s in love with you and since I don’t want to fight with you again about this I’m moving onto the next topic. Isabella finally back off of him after he lost his temper on her. She’s started dating some other guy now. Poor guy has to deal with all her crazy now.

“I take it your surprise I sent for you isn’t there yet,” Vic said and I paused as mid shovel.

“No,” I dragged out, “what did you do Vic?”

“Not too much, I promise,” there was a ring, my doorbell. “That’s it, gotta go,” and before I could protest she had hung up.

Grumbling I hung up as well and debated not answering it as I looked at my food in front of me.

A second knock at the door had me rolling my eyes. Usually they gave up after one but they must really want to change my life today so I pushed back my seat and stoop up walking to my door. I got there as the person knocked a third time.

“Just a second,” I called as I unlocked the door and slowly opened it. The person on the other side really did want to change my life today. “Carter.”

He stood in a pair of dark jeans and light green shirt that looked amazing with his eyes. He had trimmed his hair since I had seen him last over Skype. And now here he was standing at my door.

“Before you tell me to leave, I just want to say something to you. You told me to forget, and heaven help me, I did try but every night I fall asleep hoping you’ll be home when I wake up. I miss you and you have no clue how much it hurts. I wanted to tell you I love you and when you are ready for me again, I will still love you,” Carter said.

He had driven all the way here just to tell me that. My heart broke as I thought what he must be feeling. I missed him like crazy over here but it had been my decision to run away from our parents and him. Who was I kidding? Distance would never help us get over each other, so screw it. “I love you Carter and I miss you. Come in. We have some things we need to talk about before we can date again.” I took his hand and dragged him inside my apartment. As soon as my door was closed, I pushed him against it and kissed him.

When he pulled back he said,” I like your idea of talking,” before he kissed me again.

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