.Chapter Thirty Five.

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Hello guys!

There are only a few chapters left. I know I've been saying that for a few chapters but now I had an exact number of chapters. There will be three chapters left in VOICE and maybe an epilodge if I don't like where the book ends when I'm finished writing it.

There will be a author's note after the epilodge. PLEASE READ IT! It will contain details about the next book in the series and other important notes about VOICE.


Chapter Thirty Five                 Evalyn

Just like at the beginning of the play, all the actor began to slow down pretending to be in slow motion. Just as the narrator spoke everybody froze in place and listened to the last line of the play. We stayed frozen until the curtain dropped and then we were rushing around getting off stage before the curtains opened again for the final bow.

“Vic you were great,” I said seeing her first off stage.

She smirked and said, “Of course I was, I’m the great Puck. You weren’t too bad yourself Donkey head.”

“And how was I?” I asked Carter, he was turned around and didn’t hear me come up behind him.

He turned around and gave me and big hug and whispered in my ear, “the best my Queen,” before I took her hand and bowed, kissing her knuckles lightly.

“Stop with the mushy! We have our bows to take,” said Vic, smacking the back of my bowed head slightly.

We all lined up on the sides and waited. The first to be called were all of the fairies. They rushed out of stage and connected hands and took their bows proudly. Each of the fairies that served the fairy Queen were called out next.

The troupe was called out to do their bows but Carter stayed behind since he had had a slightly bigger role then the rest of his troupe. When they called Bottom onto the stage, the crowded cheered the loudest yet. Carter took his bow and waved at the crowd with a huge smile on his face. He took a few steps back to the back of the stage where all the performers who had been called stood.

Next was Owen. He ran to the middle and did his bow before holding out his hand and signaling my entrance. I ran back out into the blinding light and I reached Owen’s side I took my bow before I took his hand and we bowed together. The audience cheering for us both and we took our step back beside Carter.

But the loudest cheer came last when Vic was introduced. I swear the next city over hear the crowd as they cheered for Puck. Vic came out on stage blushing a bright red even through her stage makeup. She really had been amazing.  She raised her hands out as the narrator thanks the band who had played our music for us and then she waved Mr. Conner on stage to say a few words.

Mr. Conner took the microphone that Vic offered him and Mr. Conner cleared his voice. “This year’s production was a challenge that’s for sure,” he started, “There was a time I even threatened not to let anybody go home for winter break until this thing was mastered. But these gifted kids managed somehow to make this crazy idea of mine work and it was beautiful. Thank you and thank you all who came out to watch this performance. There will be drinks and snacks in the lobby and you will get to meet the actors out there in person.”

With that we all stepped forward around Mr. Conner and took one final bow together as a group. The curtain closed as I rushed off stage to find Carter. He was waiting by the side curtain for me. He took my hand and we headed to our change room to get the makeup off of our faces.

Mr. Conner wanted us to go out and meet the audience while still in costume, so we quickly removed our makeup and dashed back out into the lobby where everybody was standing around and talking. We did a few rounds, talking to many people all who shook our hands and told us how wonderful it had been.

After about twenty minutes, I was getting tired. I couldn’t see our parents in the crowd so I sent my mum a quick text asking her if they wanted to meet us at the car in a few minutes. I didn’t get a response so I pulled Carter into the back and to the side hallway where nobody was.

“That was awesome!” I squealed. He picked me up around the waist and spun me in a few fast circles. I giggled when he put me down and I had to hold onto his arms I was so dizzy.

“You were wonderful,” he said and leaned in and gave me a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not worried becasue everybody was still in the lobby enjoying themselves.

“The actors room are back here,” said a sudden voice. I pulled away from him but it was to late. We’d already been seen. And I knew that voice anywhere: Isabella.  I didn’t turn to face her, she now had all the proof she needed to go tell our parents.

“Eva? Carter? what’s going on? What was that?” a voice asked. Well shit, she wouldn’t have to go tell them. She had brought them there to see it themselves. I turned around to face my mother and Colin.

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