.Chapter Fourteen.

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Chapter Fourteen                    Carter                       

I'd lost count of how many drinks I'd had. After Eva and Owen's little show of affection for each other on the pool table I had decided it was time for me to disappear. And that it was also a better idea to drink then do what I really wanted to do, like punching Owen in the mouth for kissing Eva, and then claim her lips as my own. Every time I thought about kissing her, I chugged the rest of the drink I had in my hand at that time, which was the reason I was drunk in under an hour. I just couldn't stop thinking about kissing her!

A few drinks later, I was on the dance floor, dancing like the rest of the drunken teenagers around me and grinding Isabella body close to my own. I wanted to forget everything and feel nothing but the sweet buzz of intoxication. A few more drinks later that’s where I was, feeling nothing but the drinks in my system. That's why when Isabella grabbed my hand, she being as drunk as me, I followed her.

Slowly blinking my eyes open I immediately closed them again; my head was killing me and there was only a little bit of light coming in from the window. Groaning I rolled over to burry my face onto the pillow when instead I landed on something that moved.

Confused, I opened my eyes to see a sleeping face beside me. It was in that second I realized three things. One, I was not in my room. two, the sleeping face belonged to Isabella and three, we were both naked. Oh shit!

I could remember following her up a set of stairs and down a hallway before coming to a stop at a door. Isabella turning the knob and walking in, slamming the door shut behind us. A pair of arms being wrapped around my torso and soft kisses on my neck. Peeling her shirt off and then mine going missing. Tearing off our jeans and underwear and then... we slept together, and I couldn’t remember any of it. Slightly disappointed with myself, became I was now no longer a virgin and couldn’t even remember how it had happened I slowly got out of the bed we were both laying in and pulling on a pair of underwear and my jeans from yesterday I was glad to find my phone still in the pocket. Checking the time, I went back over to the bed.

"Isabella, you gotta wake up. We have to get out of here so I can go home without anybody knowing I spent the night out," I whispered, softly shaking her shoulder.

"Come back to bed," she grumbled as she rolled away from me.

"Come on, we have to get going. We have school today," I reminded her.

She rolled back over and opened her eyes, looking at me. "Nope," she said as she grabbed my arm and pulled my back into the bed. "We're going to sleep, my head hurts."

"That's what we get for drinking so much. Now lets go," I said. She didn't move. An idea began to form in my head, and I moved so that I was positioned above her, ready to make a fast getaway if I needed. Then I grabbed either side of her hips and started tickling her.

"Okay, I'll get up," she screamed.

I stopped tickling her and said, "Pinky promise?"

"Who the hell pinky promises at our age," she asked and I started to tickle her again. "Okay, I pinky promise! Seriously, who plans a party for Sunday when we have school the next day."

Letting go of her sides I took her and gently dragged her to the side of the bed. She smiled at me, sat up and gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before she was up and putting her clothes from last night on. She tossed my shirt at me when she found it in the mess of her clothes and giggled at me when it hit me in the face because I was too busy staring at her.

We quietly snuck out of the house, tip toeing over people who had decided it would be a good idea to sleep in the middle of the hallway. After we had dodged everybody we carefully opened the door so it wouldn't wake them and closed it softly before making a mad dash to the car, trying not to get soaked by the rain.

Jumping inside the car I blasted the heat and waited for Isabella to buckle her seatbelt before pulling away from the house. I was glad it was a short drive to Isabella because I wasn’t sure what to say to her. When I got to her house, I sighed with relief.

She leaned over and kissed me. "See you in a few," she said with a smirk as she hopped out and to the front door, slipping inside unseen.

I drove a few blocks over before pulling to the side of the road into an empty parking lot. I rested my head on the steering wheel for a second to get my thoughts sorted in my own head. I had just slept with Isabella while we were both drunk and could barely remember doing it.

Shaking my head, I leaned into the back of the car and grabbed an old shirt that I had thrown back there after practice one day a few weeks ago and changed into it. Better to smell like old sweat when coming home after being out all night.

When I had finished my mental pep talk, I started the car again and once again started back to my house. Looking at the time as I pulled into the driveway, I saw it was still early enough that everybody should still be asleep. I took a deep breath and got out before I could change my mind. All the lights were off and Joyce's car was already gone.

Keeping my fingers crossed, I opened the front door and it un-dramatically opened without a notice. Boring, but I was glad. Now all I had to do was get to my room without anybody seeing me.

"And where were you?" asked a voice making me jump. I turned around slowly and saw Eva standing in the doorway of the kitchen, glass of water in her hands.


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