.Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten                            Carter

I dragged my eyes away from the strip of bare stomach I was drooling over. Eva had just gotten her first strike of the game, which put the girls a few points ahead of Owen and I. She did a little happy dance and I had to pulled my eyes away and looked around to make sure nobody had noticed. Isabella was busy getting her ball for her roll and Owen was staring at Eva as well.

“Don’t mess up,” Owen called to Isabella, who didn’t turn around but gave him the middle finger before she rolled her first ball.

We all watched as it slowly slide down the lane, looking like it was going to be another strike, but at the last minute it curved and nicked the side of the pins, sending three toppling into each other. Before Owen could even start to say anything, she gave him a glare that had even me shiver even though it wasn’t sent in my direction.  She walked back to get her second ball and I gave her a little grin when our eyes caught.

“Us girls will be getting foot rubs. Don’t get to cocky boys,” she said before she winked at me and turned back to the lane. From behind I watched her shoulder lift as she took a breath and held it, letting it out as she took her first step. Gracefully, she let the ball slide off her fingers and it soared down the lane. Once again it went straight, but this time she didn’t curve. It hit the middle pin perfectly and the rest of the pins fell over. Owen and I were going to have to be careful if we wanted to win.

Isabella walked back to me with a large grin on her face, she wiggled her eyebrows at me and I grabbed her hand when she got within reach and pull her down onto my lap. She giggled but wraps her arms around me as Owen got up to take his turn.

“I’ll be right back guys, I’m gunna grab a drink. Do you want anything?” I asked her. She said she wanted a soda water before she gave me a quick peck and jumped off my lap. I grinned and stood up, rushing to the main area again. I heard my name being called and I slowed my step, letting whoever it was catch up to me. Soon somebody was walking in step with me and I looked over to see Eva.

The date was going exactly as planned. I was enjoying my time with Isabella but was also I was forcing myself to try and get over Eva by seeing that she was with somebody else.  I knew that we were going to be forced into many situations together as brother and sister and I need to view her that way- as a friend and sister.

I held the door open for Eva and she smiled politely as she passed me and entered the restaurant. There was nobody by the cash, so I sat on a bar stool and Eva did the same. The only other people here were closer to the door: an elderly couple eating a nice dinner together and laughing at something the man had just said. I turned my attention back to Eva.

“You ready to give me a foot rub?” she teased me.

“Nope. By the time we’re done, you’ll be giving me a back rub,” I replied without missing a beat, making Eva laugh.

“Even if we win, I wouldn’t want a foot rub from you. You would probably tickle me for ten minutes instead,” she said.

“That I can do. And since we’re going to win, I might as well get a head start with the tickles,” I said and made a move to grab her. She giggled uncontrollably as she jumped away from me. It felt good to just be relaxed around Eva like this again, not worrying about my feelings.

“Hey there guys. What can I can for you?” said the waitress who had appeared from the back.

“Hey, can I get a coke and a soda water. Eva what do you want?” I asked.

“You’re not paying for me, Carter,” she said.

“Yes I am, so order or you get soda water too,” I threatened. She hated any kind of water.

“Okay, no need to threaten. Another bottle of coke and some fries, please,” she said to the waitress.

“Sure thing. The fries will take a few minutes to cook. Is that okay?” she asked.

“That’s fine,” she replies.

“That will be eleven dollars, please,” she waitress said after she had rung everything up.

I handed her a twenty and said to Eva, “Didn’t you and Owen just eat?”

“Yeah, but I figured that somebody will get hungry,” she replied and I just shrugged. It made sense with our group of friends. Somebody was always hungry.

“Here’s your change,” said the cashier handing me some coins, which I just shoved in my pants pockets.

I grabbed my coke and Isabella’s soda water before saying to Evalyn, “I’ll wait for you by the door.”

As I leaned against the wall closest to the door. Again I noticed the older couple. They were looking at me, so I offered them a kind smile.

“You two look perfect together,” said the lady.

“Pardon?” I asked, not sure what she meant.

“Your girlfriend over there. You guys look happy together. She’s a keeper,” she said.

“She’s also a looker,” said the woman’s husband with a wink.

“Thanks,” I said, embarrassed that they thought we were dating. That’s not what tonight was supposed to be. Without thinking about it I turned and left the restaurant. Eva hadn’t gotten her order yet so she didn’t seem to notice my sudden departure.

“Hey, here ya go. Sorry it took so long,” I apologized as I handed the bottle of soda water to Isabella.

“I wasn’t sure if you had gotten lost on the way,” she replied, taking the drink and giving me a peck on the cheek.

“Hurry up Carter. It’s been your turn for like hours now,” said Owen.

Just as I was getting ready to collect my first ball Eva came back, looking confused. “Carter, you disappeared! Why didn’t you wait for me?” she asked.

I shrugged as I picked up my ball. I reminded myself I needed to distance myself mentally to get over this crush so when I replied just said, “It was my turn to bowl.” And then I picked up my ball, ignoring the look of hurt she was giving me.

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