.Chapter Thirty.

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Hey guys. Hope you like the chapter. PLEASE leave comments below, I love to hear what you guys have to say!

This chapter is dedicated to  XxMiss_SummerxX who made me this amazing cover posted below!


Chapter Thirty                         Carter

It was Saturday and I had every intention of sleeping in all day. I felt something warm slip into my bed and snuggle into my arms. Opening my eyes I saw that it was Eva. She was grinning at me as she cuddled in closer. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled until there wasn’t an inch between us.

“What about dad and your mum?” I asked, whispering.

“He got a call from one of his friends, they’re going to be out for most of the morning, now shush I’m tired and comfy,” she yawned making me grin. I lifted my head up to place a soft kiss on her check before laying back down and closing my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being woken up to a loud girlish scream, that high pitched one they do when they think something is cute or exciting. Not sure what was going on, I bolted up right, expecting to see Joyce standing at the foot of the bed. I felt Eva do the same and both of us just stared at the foot of the bed when we realized who was standing there.

“That’s it, I’m taking your house key away,” I said.

“You can’t do that! Only the best friend that gave it to me can. So shut up and spill,” said Vic, hand on her hip, waiting not so patiently for my answer.

“Fine, just get out for a minute,” I say and she does as I not so nicely asked.

“Why was Vic in my room?” I asked Eva. I got out of bed and grabbed a shirt. I rushed a little more than normal because I knew if we didn’t show up in the living room soon, Vic would just come back in here and drag me out by the ear. But that didn’t stop me from slowly down for a minute as Eva through the covers off and sat up, pushing her hair out of her face.

“With her, who knows,” she replies as she stands and stretches out her muscles.

I gently grabbed her arm, above the bruises Owen had left, just looking at them made me want to storm to his house and hit him. “Good morning, my love,” I said and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. Well that’s all I meant it to be but Eva leaned in and deepened the kiss. When we part for breath I pulled away, “We should go before Vic comes in yelling again,” I say.

We left the bedroom and went to find Vic, who was sitting, curled up on one of the living room couches. When we walked into the room, she smirked at us and sat up a little bit straighter. Evalyn took a seat beside her, one leg on the couch so she could face Vic easier. I sat on the arm of the couch behind Eva.

“So what was all that about?” Vic asked, not bothering with any beating around the bush. “And don’t say nothing. I don’t want to be left out.”

“Honestly? I finally told her I loved her and she said it back. We’re dating,” I said simply.

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