.Chapter Eleven.

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Hey guys and gals!

So I want to do a little contest. Those who can guess what the letters in my title stand for will get a dedication on a chapter of the story! Please private message me and don't post it in the comments so nobody can cheat!

As always don't forget to fan me and vote if you like my writing and PLEASE with a cherry on top... comment! I love reading what you have to say <3


Chapter Eleven                        Evalyn                           

I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I walked to the mirrors and checked my makeup, putting on a new layer of lip gloss to my lips. Looking in the mirror I could see as Isabella walked in soon after me and came right up behind me. She glared at me as I continued to ignore her, fluffing my hair so it looked a little wild and playful.

When I was done, I turned to her and said, “What’s wrong?” I asked, “You’ve been quiet since you guys showed up and now you’re glaring at me-”

“I want you to stay away from Carter,” she snapped.

“What? We live together and go to the same school. Staying away isn’t going to happen since I see him every day,” I replied.

“You know I don’t mean like that. I know you have this little crush on him, but he is taken and you had better remember that,” she hissed.

I looked at her like she was crazy, and right now she might very well be. I stepped forward and snapped back, “And you had better remember who you are talking to. I won’t play your mind games. You need to back off.”

I went to walk away from Isabella but she stepped in my path, “I don’t think you fully understand you stupid brat. I won’t have you taking him away from me. You need to back off, not me, or else you’re going to get hurt.”

I felt my eyebrows rise as I listened to her, “did you just threaten me? Are you really that insecure about how he feels for you that you feel the need to threaten me? What the hell happened to make you so freaking crazy? I snapped, “I’ll tell you what, you leave me the hell alone and I won’t mention how crazy you are to anybody.” This time I pushed past her.

Both were ready to go and waiting for us. Isabella followed me out of the bathroom, but no longer looked crazy now that the guys could see her. As I got closer, I could hear what the guys were talking about.

“It would be less driving for us both and it’s late. You live closer to Isabella and Eva lives with me, so why not?” Carter was saying.

“It makes more sense, sure,” Owen agreed.

After both of us girls had joined the group, Carter explained that he would be driving me home instead of Owen.  After a little fuss from Isabella about not being able to spend more time with Carter, it was agreed that this was a good idea. We walked out to the parking lot where Carter had parked his car.

Owen gave me a hug. I knew what was coming next. My heart stopped and then I swear nearly beat out of my chest. I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to meet mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck when our lips met, pulling him closer to me. This is the final step in forgetting Carter, I told myself.

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