Ch. 46 Seeing Luke.

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(Echo pov)
I woke up to Asher shaking me kind of. I yawn and hop out. We went inside and I shift to human. Asher cought me as I fell and hands me the crutches. We went to the dungeon and to the interrogation room. I sit in front of Luke and he looks at me. Asher took the crutches and left. "I'm right out here if you need me." Asher said and closed the door. Luke grins. "What do you want?" I ask. "You." He said softly even though his voice is raspy. "Really?" I ask. "Yes. Please help me glorify the human race and together we can bring the downfall of vampires." He said. "First of all what would happen to wolf shifters?" I ask. "They will be free to do what ever they want." He said. I nod. "Second no." I said. "Seriously? Just like that? You don't even want a tiny bit of freedom?" He asked. "At least think about it." He pleaded. "Fine. Asher!" I call and Asher comes in with the crutches. He gave them to me and we left. "Are you seriously going to think about it?" Asher asked. "No. But I do have a question." I said. "You want the wolf shifters to be freed." He said reading my thoughts. I give him an apologetic look. "Echo I don't care. I have convinced my father in the past to free some wolf shifter packs. Like your pack. I think that all super naturals are equal and my family believes that too but we have to take baby steps with the kingdom." Asher said. "Really?" I ask. "Really and when I become king all the packs and wolf shifters will be freed and reunited with their families." Asher said. "You are going to make a great king." I said as we get to his room. We go in and I sit on the bed. "How much longer did I have to be in a cast?" I whine and Asher came over. He bent over my head. "Four more days." He said and pecked my lips. He sat down and I sit up. "Well what will we do?" I ask. "We will find a way to keep you entertained." Asher said. "How?" I ask. "I will come back to you on that." Asher said and I chuckle. "How about we go to the gardens?" I ask. "Ok. But tomorrow. Right now you need to rest. It's been a long day." Asher said. We lay down on our backs and I snuggle into Asher's side. He rapped one arm around me and I fell a sleep.
When I woke up Asher is still a sleep. So I snuggle into his side more and wait for him. I see Chloe in the corner ready for today. I wait for Asher to wake up. He does eventually and he hugged me. I smile a little. "Morning sleepy head." I said. He chuckled. "Morning beautiful." He said. "Let's go to breakfast." I said. I change into fresh clothes and we went to breakfast. We sit down and the dogs come in. They come to me and sit down. "What?" I ask them. "We just want to be close to you." Aztec said in wolf. I nod and pet him. We eat and the others talk. "Echo how are you doing?" Barren asked. "I'm good." I said. "What did Luke want?" Chase asked. "He wants me to help him bring the down fall of the vampires." I said. "Did you ask what would happen to wolf shifters?" Abigail asked. "Yeah and he said they would be freed. But I don't believe him. So I said no." I said. "Really?" Barren asked. "I trust Chloe more than I do Luke." I said. "Makes sense." Asher said. We finished up and got up. "Where's Emily?" Asher asked. "She isn't feeling good so I told her to sleep in." Chase said. Asher and I nod. We went to the gardens and I drop the crutches. Asher scooped me up and set me on the ground. He sat next to me and I lean on him. But Asher pushed me off of him. "Echo I have some thing to tell you." Asher said. "What's wrong Asher?" I ask. He took a deep breath. "I'm breaking up with you." He said. I gasp. "What?" I ask. "You can go where ever you want because you are no longer my girl friend or my pet." Asher said and got up. He left and I start to cry. Then Duke and Aztec come in. They come to me and sniff. "Asher broke up with me. As soon as my foot is better I'm going to the pack." I said. They nod. Then Felipe comes in and he sees me. "Echo what's wrong?" He asked coming to my side. I whip my eyes. "Asher broke up with me." I said as I sob. He hugs me and I cry into his shirt. "What will you do?" He asked. "As soon as my foot is better I'm moving in with my pack." I said. "What about until then?" He asked. "I will stay at the castle some where." I said. "How about with me?" He asked. I nod a little and he picked me up. He got the crutches and went to his room. He set me on his bed. The twins recently got to King size beds in their room, so Chase and Emily can have a bed to them selves. "But where will I sleep?" I ask Felipe. "With me." He said. I nod. "Is that ok?" I ask. "Of course." Felipe said. "I won't be a bother to you guys?" I ask. "Not at all. Echo you are like a sister to us and we would do any thing for you." Felipe said and hugged me. I hug him back. When we let go, Chase and Emily come in. "Echo what are you doing here?" Chase asked. "She is staying with us until her foot is better." Felipe said. "Why? What about Asher?" Chase asked. "If he comes over here I will." Felipe started but I set my hand on his arm and he calmed down. "Felipe it's ok. Um Asher broke up with me. So when my foot heals I'm moving to my pack." I said. "What?! Why are you moving?" Chase asked. "With out Asher I have no reason to be here. He disowned me as a pet and girl friend. So I no longer have a home here." I said. "No." Felipe said as he stood up. "What?" I ask. "You can stay as my pet or some thing but I will not allow you to leave this castle for good." Felipe said so sternly it scared me and Emily kind of. I nod. "Ok." I said in a shaky voice. Then Felipe hugs me. "But why?" I ask as he lets go of me. "Because we care about you and I don't want you to get hurt." Felipe said. "So does this mean you'll help Luke?" Chase asked. "No definitely not. I can't stand to see my family get hurt." I said. "But your family are wolf shifters." Felipe said. "No. You guys are my family as well." I said. "Oh how could Asher ever get rid of some one like you?" Felipe asked as he hugs me again. "Yeah it doesn't sound like Asher." Chase said. "Tell you what if you guys can prove by a week after my foot is better that Asher didn't do it on his own accord then I will stay. But if you fail I get to leave." I said as Felipe let's go of me. They sigh. "Deal." They said. "Alright you three should get to bed. I have some thing I need to do. But first Chase can I talk to you?" Felipe asked.  "Yeah we can talk right out side. Go to bed baby." Chase said and kissed Emily's cheek. She got in bed as I cover up and we fell a sleep.
(Felipe pov)
Chase and I walk right out side of our room. "I have a plan to make Echo stay even if we fail." I said. "What is it?" He asked. "What if she becomes my girl friend and I show her that I love her more than Asher ever did." I said. A smile crawls onto his face. "I love that I idea. I mean I love Echo. She's like a sister to me. I can't just let her go." Chase said. "Same. But why would Asher dump her? He loved her more than any one ever." I said. "I don't know but don't like it." Chase said. "I'm going to investigate. Can you stay with the girls?" I ask. "That was the plan." Chase said. I nod in thanks and we went back in to see both girls a sleep. I went over to Echo and rest my hand on her shoulder. I kiss her forehead and she smiles in her sleep a little. "I promise I won't let any thing happen to you ever because I love you." I whisper softly in her ear. Then I went to Asher's room and knock. "Come in." I hear and I open the door to see Asher sitting on the bed kissing Chloe's neck and Chloe in Asher's lap. I gag. "Asher! How could you?!" I ask. "What?" He asked. "How could you do this to Echo?!" I yell getting angry. "She wasn't the right one for me. Chloe is." Asher said and they kiss. I growl and open the door. I walk out slamming the door shut. I went to my room and close the door quietly. Chase is still awake. "I hate Asher." I growl. "What happened?" Chase asked. "When I went in there I saw him kissing Chloe's neck and she was in his lap." I said. Chase growls waking up the girls. "Oh I'm sorry girls go back to sleep." Chase said. Emily nods and went back to sleep. But Echo watched me. "Felipe are you ok?" She asked. "Yes just angry with Asher. Go back to sleep baby." I said as I walk over to her and kiss her head. "Baby?" She asked. "Yeah if you won't stay because I ask you. Will you stay if you have a boy friend?" I ask. "I would if I had a boy friend." Echo said. "Then let me be that boy friend. I will and already do live you so much. Please Echo I can't lose you." I plead with her. She hugs me. "I would love for you to be my boy friend." She whispered in my ear and I kiss her forehead. We lay down and I rap my arms around Echo. She turns to face me and cuddles with me. Then she fell a sleep. I stroke her hair and then I fell a sleep.

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