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(A/n): Hello my readers, this gonna be a long on enjoy!
"GET UP (y/n),WE'LL MISS BREAKFAST. I WANT MY BLUE PANCAKES!", Percy yelled at me. "And I want sleep", I replied flatly.

So he ends up dragging me to breakfast. He stuffs his face with blue pancakes. I love my new half brother but blue pancakes? I can't say I wasn't judging him.

Who am I kidding? I was was judging left, right,centre,and any other possible directions. I quickly finished my waffles and decided to go to the lake.

Annabeth had given me a tour of the camp yesterday and it's awesome. I had just began to relax when my brother( I've known him for less than 24 hours and he's already gotten on my nerves. Must be a sibling thing ) runs up to me and says,"Your weapon has arrived, come on!"

So here I am in the training area holding my supposedly magnificent weapon.............................................................a ring????

It had blue jewels encrusted on it . Hey, it was pretty but I failed to see how I could protect myself with jewellery .

"I know it looks like nothing much but wear it and swish it'd put in front of you." I do as he he says and POSEIDENS PANTS(sorry dad) a bow and quiver full of arrows appeared on my back.
"Sick!", I exclaim.
"Now flick it downwards."
It turned into a sword . I nearly jumped out of my own skin. The word Tyfònas was engraved on in. Hurricane.

Hell yeah.

"Snap your fingers" , he continued. There was more?. I thought, but don't question him.
It turns back into a ring.
"Sweet!" , I say . This was definitely my weapon.

I was fascinated by the science behind my weapon, if you could even call it science. We were in a camp for the children of the Greek gods for Heavens sake.

~Time skip because I'm the author and I'm lazy(Deal with it .please?)~

Leo's POV
Okay, so i know I have a reputation for falling for every single girl I meet, but hear me out.

She had the same sea green eyes and Raven hair. I literally looked like a tomato when I saw her and she noticed too.

Real smooth Valdez. Real smooth.

I saw her sparring with Percy with a celestial bronze sword that was quite similar to Percy's . I stood behind a tree so I could stalk-I mean watch- her so she didn't see me.

Her weapon turned into a bow and she started practising at targets. She turned around for a second and caught my eye.

I made a run for it and went to Bunker 9 to work on Festus. The dragon creaked and I turned bright red. "No you gear head I just met her. Sure she's pretty and stuff but I don't lik-"

Crap,I like her.

I run to Jason's cabin.
"HELP MEEEEEEEEEE" , I scream at his face.
"What In Olympus Leo ???", he says clearly startled.
"I like (y/n)"
"You literally just met her Leo ."

Okay , he had a point, but my heart wasn't in with the program.

I glared at him.

"Okay, geez chill. Why don't you ask her to go with you for a walk tonight?"
"She'll think I'm creepy and i think I heard Hazel saying all of them are meeting for a sleepover tonight", I whine like a three year old kid.

I haven't thought this way about a girl since the island.........

I groaned and face planted into one of the beds. I had completely forgotten about my promise to Calypso.

You probably think I'm a hypocrite. I don't blame you, I literally made a promise to a girl that I would come back for her and then I go fall for another one.

I hate my life.

(A/n): hahahahaahahah I have the most amazing plot in mind like YAAAASSSS.
             Also I'm going to add some songfics. Enjoyyyyy.

❤️Rhea,daughter of Posiden.

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