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Well, 'Arendelle' turned out to be New York. Which I was cool with cause we were close to Percys house. New York was so beautiful. I would've LOVED going for a romantic stroll through the city with Leo.

You know, if we weren't hunting down the crazy island storm girl and Elsa.
The ones who tried to end Leo and me. Fun stuff.

Percy, Oh My Gods, don't even ask. He had gone full on big-brother-super-protector-i -will- stick -by-you-all-the-dam-time (lol)mode. I swear I love my brother, and I honestly missed him a ton, but I would give you 10 drachmas to throw him in a lake. Not that that would do anything. He's Poseidens kid too. He'd probably just chill out at the bottom and talk to the fish. And the squid. And every other aqautic creature and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Well, thinking about, he'd have a dam ( I'm sorry,i had too) good time down there.

I was busy admiring the beauty of the city. We stopped for some pizza( always a good choice. When in doubt, pizza is the answer. I just realized how much i  am like my brother and it's honestly scary). Oh My Gods it was AMAZING. Frank, being the cuddly little bear he his ate three slices, Hazel poked it unsure and asked us what it was, Percy, like me, wolfed it down, Piper and Jason ate one slice each. Leo of course, ate five slices. Annabeth ate two slices and Nico ate one. Then we just walked aimlessly through New York, looking for a possible place where Elsa would stay.

Oops, I forgot about Calypso. I don't feel that bad. I would love to erase her from my memory. You know, be Calypso-less. Is that a thing? It should be a thing. Then we would have world peace.Unfortunately, that's not happening anytime soon.

YAY( note ze sarcasm folks)
As we walked through Leo kept squeezing my hand as if he couldn't bear to let me go ever again. It was so sweet.

Okay, I know what you'll are thinking. What the hell? She literally just said her brother acting overprotective was annoying, but Leo acting overprotective is sweet???

Yes, yes it is. Why? Because it's Leo. And my brother is my brother. A total fish face.
Tis the sibling love present.

We(the seven + me + Nico and Thalia) ended up at a place called, 'Burger Shack'. It was a rundown old place, but the temperature around the place was much cooler than it's surrounding. There we're small icy crystals on the edges of the roof. This would be totally normal if it weren't the middle of summer. If Khione was anywhere, she'd be here.
We opened the door and shuffled inside.
It's was pitch dark. I mean like I couldn't see shcist.
I move my arms around and try to feel if everyone is there. I was desperately trying to figure out what Calypso and Khione were playing at. What was the didly dang point of keeping us in the dark. (Lol, these puns) . Suddenly something clicked.

" Leo, DON'T MOVE"

(A/n) :MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH The Queen of Cliffhangers is back with a BANG.
The prophecy is unfolding and I'm sooooo happy with it. Please comment and tell me what you think.

❤Rhea, daughter of Poseiden and legacy of Apollo

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