Thalia Grace

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We reach Camp and I'm tackled with hugs from Clarisse, Nico, Will, Annabeth and the rest. Percy runs up to me and hugs me so tight , I couldn't breathe.
"Six months, little sis, six months", she says softly. " I know I'm here now, we can go kick Elsa and Calypso's podex.
He laughs. "I missed you (y/n) "
" I missed you two big bro"

"Ahem, I'm here too you know! ", Leo says with a pout. They laugh and welcome him too.
" Hey guys this is Priscilla. She's also a demigod, unclaimed.
"Woahhhh", Percy exclaims.
" All hail Priscilla, daughter of Athena, legacy of Poseidon!!!! ", Chirons voice booms over the camp.
Scratch that, she ain't unclaimed anymore. The centaur takes her in and explains everything while the rest of us walk down to the lake.

" I have a sister!!! ", Annabeth says happily, with a hint of surprise in her voice.
" Guys, am I the only one who sees the awkwardness here?? ", I ask tentatively.
" What awkwardness?"
Leo looks at me and bursts into a fit of laughter. Guess I'm not the only rational person her who can see this dam(I AM MY BROTHERS SISTER) obvious and embarrassing connection. "Well, Priscilla is Annabeths sister, and since she's poseidens legacy, she is mine and percys niece, if you think about it. Which means, Annabeth, you're t echnically dating your uncle. ", I say before joining Leo and everyone else  in laughing. Their looks of horror were PRICELESS.

" Ahem", Percy clears his throat awkwardly, " It's probably very, very distant so it doesn't count".
I wipe the tears away from my eyes. "Whatever you say Fish Face"
"What's so funny? ", a girls with short spiky black hair and electric blue eyes says.

" THALIA!!!!!! ", Jason jumps up and hugs her.
" Hey little bro", she says. Leo tells me about the hunters and all that. Thalia and me become fast friends.
Of course, Jason and Percy start with their 'bromance'.
" Bro, youre so cool! "
" Really bro? "
"Yeah bro"
"Thanks bro! "
" Anytime bro! "
And of course, Leo being Leo ,decides to join them. I lose track on the amount of times they use the word 'bro'.
Me, annabeth and piper look in disgust and disbelief at our boyfriends. Shaking our heads we share knowing glances.
"It's never to late to join the hunt you know", Thalia quips at us.

I think we were almost seriously considering it.
" Anyways, the real reason I'm here is that Artemis sent me to help you. Apparently I'm in on the quest along with all of you and that new girl. "
" Cool ,vcool, hey GUYS ARE YOU'LL DONE FANGIRLING OVER EACH OTHER?? " , I say. Leo falshes me a grin and sits besides me.
A loud bell sound is heard.
" DINNERTIME YES, OH MY GODS I'M STARVING ", I say as I race towards the dining pavillion.
" I like you", Thalia states, running with me.

After dinner, we just hung out and made plans for the rest of our quest.
"So we need to go to Khinones lair? ", Leo asks
" Yup", Thalia confirms.
" And where could that be? ", Perxy asks in utter confusion( though to be honest, when is he not confused???)
" Arendelle? " , I ask with a total poker face. Everyone bursts into laughter and Leo states, " This is why you are my girlfriend "
" SHE'S NOT ELSA!!! ", the rest scream at me.

(A/n) : Ola folks,so I have added Thalia into this story cause I'M THE FREAKING AUTHOR I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT. Also go read, ' When Worlds Collide, by my friend Prerna, a fellow daughter of Poseiden.
Fun fact: Priscilla the character is inspired my her. Except since Poseiden can't have too many kids I had to make he daughter of athena and legacy of Poseiden. Actually, she Water dudes daughter and legacy of Athena .

This is the point when I realize how dam( lol) long this authors note became.

❤Rhea, daughter of Poseiden and legacy of Apollo

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