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We were in Oklahoma. Which was great since that's where Piper and her dad live. She figured it out .

Honestly everyone should have a friend who's dad is an actor . It makes life much easier.

So we were currently trudging along to her house, to convince her dad to let us use his private jet, to New York, so we can get to the Empire State Building aka Olympus.

Let me backtrack.

I told the rest of them about my midnight misadventures and my new bestie Artemis.

Annabeth began contemplating the mysteries of the universe after she heard that.
"It's like defying the laws of physics"

We told her to keep physics out of this. The question was dangerous enough.

I was walking with Hazel, behind the rest of the others.
Despite being three years younger than me, she had experienced terrible things, equal my mine.

We were talking about the crystal. She explained who Sammy was, Leos bisabuela,who was her first love.

"He took this crystal from me, and promised not to sell it. Since, well, you know my magic is cursed"
I nodded.

"And the thing is he did sell it and he thinks he lost me because of it. He looked exactly like Leo and-"

She got cut off. No sound came out of her mouth. She looked at me in confusion.
I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth as well. The others looked behind and tried to speak, but all we heard was silence.

The silence was deafening.

Then a flurry of images ran through my mind. It was too much . I couldn't understand then and it was loud.

They say a pictures worth a thousand words. Well, these certainly lived up to that.

Except there was no sound.

I, being the extremely heroic demigod I am, blacked out.


I woke up a a cave.
Your probably wondering how the cave looked.

It was dark.

Ray Waters, master of descriptions, your welcome.

I squinted only to see percy curled up in a little ball next to me. No one else was here.

And that's when the dirty of images hit me again. I saw too many things at the same time, I couldn't seperate them. I had trouble breathing and I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach.

I took a few deep breaths and the images slowed down. I saw an odd figure. It was a boy, looked about five or eight years old, but his skin sagged. He looked like a monk, but had an Egyptian air. His index finger was held against his mouth, as if to tell me to keep quiet. His skin was dark, almost black.

He had turned.

Another flurry of images told me he was a God, Harpocrates, the God of silence. And that's when everything went downhill.

Well, more downhill than it was already going.

I saw my mother, looking down at me with a dissapointed look on her face. Tears streamed down my face. My mother, who was dead.

Then I saw Leo. It looked as if he was breaking up with me, as if he didn't love me.

More tears.

I was viewing my worst fears. It felt so real.

But I remembered that percy was next to me. I pulled myself out of that painful trance.

He was staring in horror at nothing.

But he had been in Tartarus, and what he must have been seeing would be horrific.

I tried speaking, but nothing came out.

The thing was, this was one of my fears. Not being able to voice myself. It reminded me of when one of my bully's when I was 14,when I was so scared, I couldn't even speak.

Sounds pathetic, doesn't it.

Anyways, I hated staying silent, and I wasn't having it.

I was going to speak, for percy.

Here comes a wave
Meant to wash me away
A tide that is taking me under
Swallowing sand
Left with nothing to say
My voice drowned out in the thunder

I couldn't hear anything, but I was putting all my strength in it, yet there was no sound coming out of my mouth.

But I won't cry
And I won't start to crumble
Whenever they try
To shut me or cut me down

I refused to give up, because my brother was suffering beside me. He was seeing hell. Literally.

I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

A whisper of a voice came through, it took way more effort than it should have. An image of the God, Harpocrates looking confused and horrified flitted through my mind, but I pushes it away.

'Cause I'll breathe
When they try to suffocate me
Don't you underestimate me
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless

I wouldn't NOT stay silent.

Written in stone
Every rule every word
Centuries old and unbending
Stay in your place
Better seen and not heard
Well now that story's ending.

Another image flitted through my mind. Harpocrates was telling me that this wasn't possible and that I was defying the laws of Olympus. I wasn't supposed to be able to speak in his silence.

Well SIKE.

'Cause I
I cannot start to crumble
So come on and try
Try to shut me and cut me down

My voice was louder, and I felt extremely successful.

I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

I was speaking loudly. I was defying the silence.

Let the storm in
I cannot be broken
No, I won't live unspoken
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless

For percy.

Try to lock me in this cage
I won't just lay me down and die
I will take these broken wings
And watch me burn across the sky
Hear the echo saying I...

I shakily stood up, my legs weak, and my voice trembling slightly, but it still echoed through the cave
I spread my hands and focused on the water. The ground began shaking and a wave of water gushed into the cave. It rolled over me and percy and he snapped out of his painful trance and looked at me in wonder.

Won't be silenced
Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

Silence was not going to stop me. Especially a God of silence who had gone dark.

'Cause I'll breathe
When they try to suffocate me
Don't you underestimate me
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless
All I know is I won't go speechless

'The water will put out the silence'.
The lines from the prophecy. I was the water and I put out the silence.

Hey guys, it up your author here, I finally updated, sorry I'm late, but I have online classes and home work so that's been taking up my time. But here you go, it's quite a crucial chapter to the story, one more God down.

What did you think of it!
And how did you like the oneshot I had posted last time?
I know it was really sad, I'm sorry, but I absolutely love writing it.

🖤Rhea, daughter of Poseiden and descendant of Apollo.

Fire and Water  1)The Darkness WithinWhere stories live. Discover now