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I was falling.( can't you see that I'm falling , falling for you)

I could hear Leo's scream, and feel Hazels illusions dissipate . I could faintly hear Percy's sobs and the gasps.
As I fell, the further they seemed. Like they weren't real.

I didn't feel the need to fight back anymore. It was like I was under a spell. I couldn't get myself out of it.

But I knew I was falling. And I knew I was going to die.
I didn't want to.

"Not your time", a gravely voice whispered. I opened , my eyes to see Hades for just a split second.

That broke the spell.

Leo screamed my name once again, and I focused on my mother . I focused on a portrait I had seen of her in the palace. I recalled that Percy had seen a faint outline of wings outside Harpocrates cave.

I felt a warm felling in my stomach. It gravitated throughout my body and out of it.

I began sailing through the air. I wasn't falling anymore.

I was flying.

Somehow, I had summoned wings that I didn't even know I had.

I steadied myself, and shot up the wind was in my hair and it was the exhilarating feeling in the whole world. I felt free. I was at the top of the Empire State Building , just hovering above it. Leo gasped in relief and Percy smiled knowingly. The gods looked a little dumbfounded.

There were Hunters fighting against the dark spells of the gods. Thalia saw me and winked, before returning to her fighting.

Fey were all over, using their magic to slowly absorb the darkness, taking it away. They were in a formation, like a legion. Strategically placed and they were standing strong.

I flew over to Poseiden and grabbed his trident , which looked like it had also been affected by the darkness. I tossed it to Percy who caught it with his left hand at an extremely awkward angle making him look a little like squidward.

Piper looked extremely disgruntled as she was fighting with doves and rose petals( you don't want to know).

I thrust out my hand and summoned my mothers staff. Well, My staff now. I pointed it at the gods and a green light flashed our of the crystal at the top. The gods were trapped in a circular form with a familiar ice goddess in the middle.

The cult of the gods. Literally.

Khione stomped and kicked like a three year old.
"Well, we'll just have to stop you now Elsa", I quipped. My eyes glowed green like they had back at the Burger Shack, and the darkness was slowly fading.

But we needed to contain it.

"HAZEL NOW!", I screamed, my energy draining. The girl summoned the dark crystal and threw it at the gods. The darkness poured into it, trapping it inside. The gods looked confused and Khione was livid.

I had given her the dark crystal to keep. It only seemed fair, considering it was hers to begin with.

"FOUL HYBRID!", she screeched like a vulture."YOU CANT-UGH", she shook her head violently like a vulture and used her icy powers to throw a huge icesicle at me.

I saw a flash of white wings before looking down and seeing Lillian on the floor, the ice shard, in her chest. Blood was everywhere .

Everything happened so fast. In my rage , I summoned a tsunami wave , which crashed over Khione. My father had recovered and he and Percy managed to control the rogue wave.

I dismissed my wings and fell to my knees, cradling Lillian's limp body. Tears streamed down my face. Fey stood at a respectful distance, but you could see the tears on their faces as well. I held her hand.

It was cold.

It seemed sadly ironic .

"Mistress", she spluttered and coughed up blood. It seemed wrong to see so much blood on the angelic white fey that was dying in my arms.

I wanted to

"Lillian", I whispered softly.
"Don't cry for me", she said haltingly. "Just say goodbye"
"Lillian please, no, I can't lose you"
"Mistress, please. I'm tired. Let me rest."

I nodded slowly, broken .

"Y-you know", she started, the pain in her vice as clear as day." Your mother always said", she paused, and her face remained like that, frozen in time.

I wanted to scream. It was the second time a fey had died at the hands of Khione. My mother and Lillian.

I had lost them both.

"No", I whispered feebly. All the adrenaline had been sapped from my body.

I felt a if my heart had been ripped out of my chest. My tears were hot as they trickled down my face . Leo held me gently and I cried into his shoulder.
After what seemed like eternity, I took a shaky breath and stood up, facing the gods.

"Thank you", Zeus gritted out." We are in your debt"

"Oh please", Annabeth burst out in exasperation ." You'll come running back to us with another prophecy and make us risk our lives again, so don't even bother"

She was, of course right. The gods are jealous, ungrateful creatures. They didn't care for anyone but themselves.

Zeus glared at the girl, but Athena cleared her throat and spoke up.

"I think", she said carefully" , that we will not inflict any punishment on you daughter, as long as you don't tell anyone about what happened to us ", she proposed, visible embarrassed.

"Alright ", Percy said.

I wiped my tears and held Hazels hand. The children of the underworld shadow traveled us back to Camp Half Blood. Chiron was relieved to see us and filled us in on how Khione trapped and threatened the camp while we were away.

I wanted to throw that stupid goddess of a cliff.

But everything was fine now.

Everything was fine.

Fire and Water  1)The Darkness WithinWhere stories live. Discover now