The coronation

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I walked down the isle and took my place on the stage. I observed the crowds of he hundreds of fey that were there for my friends. Leo was looking at me with his mouth open. I smirked.He was wearing a dress shirt and trousers (looked extremely uncomfortable, but hot[see what I did there??]anyways). His curly hair was messy as usual, though it was visible that he had tried to tame it. He failed.

Nico was rocking a white silk shirt and black jeans. His hair was a little too long but holy Hephaestus, my best friend was working it. Oh my Lord ,I needed a picture for Will.

Annabeth was wearing a blue dress and Percy was wearing a suit(looking very proud) , Hazel was wearing a cute yellow dress. Piper was wearing a purple strapless dress and calypso was wearing an orange dress. Alex was wearing the prettiest green dress(noticing he was a girl) I had ever seen. Calypso wore a simple Greek style white dress and Thalia wore jeans and a T-shirt and a leather jacket. That's Thalia for you . The rest of the boys were in tuxedos. (They were too boring to describe don't judge me)

Lillian looked lovely too. She wore a white lady dress.
" Bienvenue, chers amis, à la cérémonie de couronnement de Raven Archer Waters, l'héritier du trône de notre dernière maîtresse. On se souviendra d'elle pour toujours. Ray, s'il vous plaît, montez au centre de la scène, s'il vous plaît."

Wait a minute, wait a dam minute. I understood that. How?...
Oh wait, must be in my blood.

I step up gracefully. Or so I hoped. For all I knew I could've looked like a dying duck on steroids. Did I mention I've never worn heels before?

My deputy mistress smiled warmly at me (Lillian. Its Lillian in case you forgot.) "Es-tu prêt?"
Or feytion. Whatever you would call it. And yes I called sass a language.

She turns around and picks up a crow. Then turns back to me and says, "Vous, Ray Waters, sauf le titre de Maîtresse, reine des fées et esprit des landes?"

She placed the crown on my head. It was really pretty. I was made of vines and had pale blue flowers intertwined in between. I loved it. Suddenly there was a flash of light.

A woman appeared. She radiated a godly presence. Hazel gasped.

"Hecate? "
"Ahh, my favorite pupil, Hazel Levesque. Sorry, that was very Athena of me"
She turned to face towards me. She held out her hand and a staff appeared in it. I was made of wood and had a green crystal at the top. "Ray Waters, the now mistress, I am Hecate, goddess of magic. I, am the patron of the fey. They get their magic from me and Demeter"

With a wave of her hand, the crystal turned sea green. "This was your mothers, it is now yours. " She handed it to me and dissapeared in a poof of light. What was with all the light?

I looked at the staff. It had this aura of power around it and was glowing lightly.

"The staff of Maleficent itself! It will appear and dissppear at your will ", Lillian said excitedly. I willed it to go(I do NOT want to lunge around a big staff.) and it was gone.

I have SKILLS peeps.

We all make our way to the dining hall. It's a fancy place with chandeliers and gold cutlery. I stare at the plate in front of me and pout.
" Where's the blue food? ", I ask.
Percy looks at me in utter surprise and then grins wide. " Yeah blue pancakes! "

"That Caviar on a fillet mignon", Lillian tells us. I swear the dish sounds like a really expensive perfume that last for five mins.
We manage(somehow) to eat the food and make our way to the dancing Hall. It almost looked like Prom.

I sit in the corner watching everyone being happy(and mainly stalk percabeth because I'm his sister and they're just to cute.

" Why hello mistress, aren't you pretty", a husky voice says. I look up to see the face of a handsome fey. He had white snowy hair . I bluched heavily. "Why thank you but-"
"Dance with me beautiful"
I raised my eyebrows. NO ONE Interrupts me when I speak like come on! Besides, I have-
"Ahem", Leos voice interrupts, his eyes ablaze(HAHAHA yes I just did that) with fury. "I will be dancing with her.

" Excuse me? I am from one of the most prominent fey families, how dare you-"
"And I am her gods damn boyfriend. May I have this dance? "
I smirk and nod, taking Leo's hand. The fey looks aghast and disappointed. It was hilarious.

A slow dance begins and we sway to the music.


Annabeth: English Ray!

Oops! Oh well, I'm going to start another story and it going to a be a corbyn besson x reader and is no way insulting Christima Marie, his current girlfriend. He's from the band Why Don't We and it's amazing I love them to death guy go listen so we can fangirl together.
Don't worry I'll post here to I won't forget watch out for the next chapter guys it is gonna be a songfic so YAY!!!!

Rhea, daughter of Poseidon and legacy of Apollo

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