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Leos POV

"What the hell Leo! "
"Don't. I've heard the same thing from everybody Piper. Please talk to her for me"

"Fine, but then you are talking to her yourself"

Piper stormed out of the room

She was mad at me because of what I did.

Apparently, I would never get a break.

Rays POV

I splashed water on my year stained face. Honestly, the fates has it out for me.

Completely done  with life, I threw myself on the bed and landed right on  my face.

"I swear these pillows were softer last night", I muttered rubbing my nose.

A knock resounded from my door.

" Come in", I mumbled through the pillow.

Even after heartbreak, it seems my laziness hasn't left. Some things never change.

Piper entered the room and instantly I sat up and tried to fix my hair.

Honestly, it was a stupid attempt. I had bloodshot eyes and tears down my face. My hair didn't make a real difference to the situation.

"Hey Pipes"
She scrunched her nose and yet somehow managed to look beautiful.

Honestly, life just wasn't fair.

"Don't call me that you sound like Le- like the person I've come to talk with you about"

I felt the tears coming . "Don't bother about it", I replied shakily.
" I don't want to but I've got to admit, he really does seem sorry", she took up for Leo.

"Piper, no offense, but you don't know what those memories were to me. "
"I know, but I think my mother is testing you two, to see how strong your love is", she offered.

" Well obviously, it isn't very strong", I sniffed.

"Not with that attitude darling", a definitely not Piper said.
I turned my head only to face a tall woman, who looked like a female version of Leo.

Well ouch.

" Mother", Piper gritted out, clearly over the moon on seeing her beloved mother.

I loved their relationship.

"Darling, you're right, this is a test. You can't give up on love so easily! I'm offended", she purred.

Like I care if she's offended.

Still, I hesitated. I knew in my heart that I still loved Leo, but I was much to proud to admit it.

" Maybe, I need some time", I said slowly.

An irratated look flashed across Aphrodites perfect features.

"Why do you think I've been visiting you demigods so often? There isn't time "

"You have no right-", I began only to be poofed away. I was now staring at a door while finishing me rant, " To interfere! "

God's of Olympus I must've looked stupid.

"Ray? ", an extremely confused voice .
Leo's voice.

I then noticed the door was red.

Muttering some colourful profanities at Aphrodite,I turned around slowly.

I was faced with a shirtless Leo.

Now whoever said he was scrawny, take it from me, he definitely isn't.

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