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There are many things my brain can process. Evil Elsa trying to kill destroy the world while making my life a living hell? Check. Being the daughter of a powerful god? Check. The fact that Piper can shoot out high velocity hams? Check.
But me being the daughter of a fairy? NOPE.

I mean come on! A fairy? What next? I'm going to suddenly have a sister who's a witch? (Lmao this the irony people you will understand when you read Prernalakhwani08 book, When worlds collide. I'm sorry , this is a shameless promotion but whatever. READ IT). Honestly, was I even human at this point?

We appeared in the hallway of the palace. "I will lead the mistress to her room. The rest of you, these are the guest rooms. They are embedded with ancient magic. Choose one and it will magically lay out itself for your convenience. "
The seven(+ Nico , Thalia,Alex, Magnus and Calypso) chose their rooms. Lillian led me up an array of stairs and when we reached our designated floor, my legs felt like overcooked linguine .
" This is your room future mistress. Your coronation will be tomorrow. Bye now. "She leaves faster than you can say Maleficent.
Okay that was bad.

" Hey". I turned around and Calypso was at the door.
"Hi? "
"Look I'm sorry I was a brat . It's just that crystal controlled me. I'm really sorry. All I want is for leo to be happy"
I stare at her. Then nod. "Hey, its cool. And understandable. Don't worry, you'll find a guy someday. "
"I don't know about that Ray. The fates seem to hate me. They really are very cruel. "
I give her a hug. Okay, I know what you're thinking. The chick tried to kill you and you hug her?
Yes. Yes i do.

Then she left and I scanned the room. It was black, but was turning blue-ish. Oh right, the ancient magic. It was adapting to my tastes. Oh my gods, it was turning blue, I'm becoming to much like Percy. I need help, fast. Therapy anyone??

I flopped onto my bed and buried my face into it. I was tired. I couldn't process my mothers death yet. Most of all, I needed sleep. Don't judge me. Sleep=Blue waffles(which sounded really good at the moment. Now I want blue waffles. Ok to much Percy.)
Of course, this doesn't mean I didn't have any dreams.

I dreamt I was in a palace. In front of me was a man in a tropical T-shirt , shorts and flip-flops. He looked a lot like percy.......... Which meant he looked a lot like me too. He had a lazy smile plating on his lips and a twinkle in his sea green eyes.

"I your father Ray, I am not your son", he smirked .
" Wait, Poseiden? "
"In the flesh. I here because, well, I needed to explain things to my favorite daughter. "
"Thanks? "
"You see I wanted to contact you like I did with percy, it's just you were safer without me for that time"
"Gee, thanks, feeling the love here"
"Don't sass me young lady. You are going to lead the fey.I am so proud of you. "
"Thanks, I just have one question dad"
"Go on"

I took a deep breath. It was a really important question , I was not going to waste this opportunity.
"I was having a bad day"
"I'm sorry okay? "
I sighed.
"Ray, you have to hurry, the darkness is consuming-"
His right eye twitched and his hand spasmed.
"Go on, we can't hold on much longer, and Ray? "
"Yes dad? "
"You can't ignore your past forever. "

And them I woke up.

Lillian was at my bed side. She handed me my coronation dress and told me to be down by 7:00 and leaves. I nodded, still thinking about my bizzare dream.
My past. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I promised my self. I can't speak of it yet, its-its too painful.

I walk over to my dresser. On it is a picture of my mother with her wings and horns. She looked so.... Queenly. I didn't. I was gonna look like a wannabe prom queen. Imagine it. Presenting the new mistress, Ray.... She's a kid! What in tartarus? "
With my luck(it's crappy. Have I mentioned that before?) , that's exactly what will happen. Sighing(my new hobby), I begin to curl my hair, put makeup , and generally just getting ready for my coronation. I added a layer of lip gloss , slipped into my dress and wore my wedges. Then I looked into the mirror, and I couldn't even recognize the girl reflected there.

She had black locks that's gleamed brown in the light-exactly like Percy's. There was light make up on her face and her dress. . . . . I held my breath. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It was black at the top and it faded into dark, like really dark blue and then white. The wedges I wore were dark blue with white heels. She looked older and put together. Confident.

She looked nothing like what j used to look in my past.
A young 13 year old girl skipped out of the school, Nottingham High. He cautiously looked around and seeing that the coast was clear began walking home. Then a group of girls steppped in front of her.
"Aww, poor Ray Waters, feeling bad for herself? ", the one in the middle said, in a high pitched annoying voice.
" Shut up and leave me alone", the girl said, distraught.
"No wonder James broke up with you, you're such a wimp. How idiotic, saying you loved him. Then he dumped you. Oh, that was gold. Now I have James to myself. "
The girl blinked tears out of her eyes. "Please, leave me a-"
The mean girl slapped her. "Go cry to your mommy now. Or better yet,get kicked out of another school. No one needs you her", she said as she walked away cackling.
The young girl, Ray, held her cheek and let a few tears fall.

I stumbled backwards. I had had a flashback. No I wouldn't let my past interfere. It was too dangerous. Too much pain lied there. I stood straight and plastered on a smile. It was almost seven.

I remembered something Leo had told me when he was telling me about his past.

Humour was a good way to hide the pain.

(A/n) : Hey guys, so I am putting Ray Waters' past out her so YAY. It'll be awesome. Also fun fact; Ray is actually my demigod self.

❤Rhea, daughter of Poseiden and legacy of Apollo.

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