What the Hell?

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It's been a few weeks now. I've gotten better at sword fighting and even made a few more friends.
Surprisingly Clarisse is my friend and the other is  Nico di Angelo. He was arguing with Will,and Apollo kid when he stormed up to me and asked me"Do you think I'll need 6 stitches for a paper cut ?"

Will looked rather out of by thus and I was trying my best not to laugh."Nah I think you bleed a bandage" ,I reply and Nico looks smug

"You are my new best friend,Will you have been of good use to me"
We all burst out laughing and become fast friends. We hang out a LOT

~Le Time skip ~

"WAKE UP (Y/n)!!!", says guess who?
Percy Jackson. Dam the dude.

"What in hades bro? It's like 3 in the morning!", I ask with my head in my pillow.
"Listen you need to wake up it's impo-"

" Look Percy,here's the thing, at 3 in the morning,nothing is important. To me sleep is like blue pancakes".

He gasps." Oh I'm sorry,pleas do forgive me but you'll want to see this."
" WHAT IS IT?!?", I demand,clearly annoyed now .

"Leo's back."

I practically jump out of the bed , put on my jacket and rush to the crash site with Percy running behind me. The rest of the seven are there too. I see a smoking Festus and Leo...........................................another girl!?She's really pretty. She is wearing a white dress, sandals and looks like a goddess.

YAY!(note ze sarcasm folks)

Leo helps her up and she kisses his cheek. I feel myself breaking down. Why do I like him so much? I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. The girls look at me sympathetically and Percy,Nico and Will look ANGRY.

I turn around and run into the woods and stop at Thalias tree. I fall to my knees and feel my tears run down my face .

Why me?
Eventually I get up and go back to cabin 3 . I cry myself to sleep.
In the morning Percy gently wakes me up. The pancake reference must have really hit him hard. That or he feels bad for me.

Eh,I'll take it.

I trudge to the dining pavilion and quickly eat my breakfast . I see Leo stabbing his eggs and Calypso twirling her hair and flirting with him.

I fell jealously pulsing through my veins. Percy has had enough. He gets up and walks over to the Hephastus table. Leo doesn't even notice until my brother yanks him by the collar and starts screaming at the boy.

"How dare you kiss my sister and then run off and come back with the island girl. Are you heartless? On wait ,maybe you don't have a heart,maybe you have like a machine in place of it. I swear I'll legally kill you Valdez." He drops Leo and walks back.

"You ,Percy Jackson are my new favourite person" , I say and he laughs.

"No one hurts my family!" , he states and then continues stuffing his face. I smile at him. It's really uncanny how similar looking we are .

Leo's POV
I am regretting a lot of things.
I'm regretting swearing on the river Styx to save Calypso.I'm regretting actually saving her. She is SOOOOOO annoying. All she ever does is complain. What the hell did I see in her??

But most of all I regret pulling away from that kiss with (Y/n) . I saw her face last night. She looked so broken. Betrayed,sad, angry. I can't even describe it


I feel so fricken horrible. And to top it off, I heared her talking to Annabeth ,saying that she still loved me and didn't want to. And I wanted to throw myself off a cliff.


Because I still fricken love her.
So I broke up with Calypso.

I seriously need help. Like big time.?

Oh and also Apollo appeared to us . He said ," Hello campers I have a blessing for you . Your lives are going to be like musicals from now on . Because seriously you people need to start communicating big time."

I swear he glanced at me and (y/n).

"ZE MUSIC MASTER!!!!!", some says . I turn around and realise it's (y/n) . She turns red. I don't think she intended to say that out loud.

"Why thank you my great,great,great,great,(add some more greats) granddaughter."

She smile at the god weakly and nods. He vanishes. We make eye contact and she turns around and storms off.
I'm positive she's at the lake.

( A/n): hola people so basically this book is gonna be like a musical with a lot of songfics and stuff so yeah. It's gonna begin sooo. Oh and calypso looks so bad in this book I'm sorry to those who like actually like her!

❤️Rhea, daughter of Posiden .

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