By the Lake

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Your POV
"Omg he SOOOOOO likes you (y/n) like how can you not see it!", Piper screams like a four year on steroids.

I was at the Athena cabin as us girls were having a sleepover.
"Oh I dunno,maybe cause I'm NOT a daughter of the love goddes???", I reply rolling my eyes. Oh and yeah,they were talking about Leo.

"Do you like him???", Hazel asked innocently . I swear I turned so red any tomato would have been jealous.
I mean sure he was cute with his curly hair and mischievous smile in a cute elfish way and.......

Oh my Gods.

"Piper you're Aphrodite is showing!", Annabeth warned and she smiled. I sighed.This was gonna be a LONG night.

~Line break cuz I'm in charge here~

Leo's POV
I'm officially a professional stalker.
Right now I'm watching her sit by the lake.Come on Valdez,you're the bad boy aren't you? Go talk to her you idiot.

I walk out trying to act cool(which is hard since I'm literally mad of fire ) and say,"Hey!" Seriously? Hey?
She turns around and I might be going crazy but she's blushing.

"Hey Leo ", she says.
"Watch ya doing!",I ask a little too eagerly.
"Nothing much", she says before she turns around and looks back at the lake. I decide to join her. We talk and soon my nervousness goes away.

Before I know it I've leaned in and our lips brush against each others. She doesn't pull away though. She kisses me back but suddenly Calypso's face comes to my mind.


I pull away ,probably looking regretful. Her eyes are full of hurt. I turn around and run away.
I'm going to find Calypso.

Your POV (I'm damn sorry about the POV changes but I have to )
I'm so confused.
He kisses me and then pulls away suddenly looking as if he regrets kissing me. And then to top it off he runs away.

My hero.

I tell my brother who goes ballistic for a minute.
" How DARE he,oh my god I'll once him ,I'll kill him , I'll -" Then he turns into a fangirl(Your welcome folks) " He likes you awwwww my baby sister has a boyfriend!"

I roll my eyes." He doesn't like me.",I say.
"He kissed you Kelpie"
"And ran away fish face"
He sighs and says,"yeah well that does complicate it a bit "

~Line break cuz I'm lazy~

The next morning at breakfast I scan the dining pavilion for Leo. He ain't there though.It like Mr. Valdez just disappeared off the earth.
Wonderful . Just wonderful. I fell like tearing my hair out.

I hope he's okay

It's gonna be amazhang (see wut I did there ? Haha I'm hilarious.) Guys please leave comments and stuff I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Rhea,daughter of Posiden .

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