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Soooo, guys it your author and you need to read this.

I've been having a sort off a writing block, like I know what happens, but I can't physically put it to words.

And I don't want to give y'all shitty content.
But I have an idea for a one shot.

And that was coming to me.



so to celebrate, I decided, why not write the small one shot, just to get my writing gears working again.

But beware it's a sad one.
And it has NOTHING to do with our storyline.
I sat in grooms side of the church, waiting for the ceremony to start. The cathedral was beautiful, and it almost distracted me from the aching in my heart.


The brides side was empty, which was inevitable, since being stuck on an island for most of your life tends to cut of connections with people.

"Alright everybody, the back half of the grooms side, move to the bride's", Jason, the best man, shouted. With a groan, the people moved. Thankfully, I was seated in the first few pews, so u stayed put, next to my brother, Percy.

After that Jason , went inside to get the bride.

The  church was full of mortals and demigods alike, and I must be been mistaken, but I saw monkey/dwarves at the back, playing with shiny things.

Leo Valdez stood at the front of the church, wearing a jet black suit with a tie that had gold,orange and red specks. His hair was tamed, which was a first, and he was jittery. He was tapping his feet and checking his watch several times. He really brought out the H in ADHD.

He, of course, was the groom.

I was the best friend.

Soon, the doors of the cathedral opened and a little girl of about three years, Lucy walked out wearing a pale orange dress. She was the youngest demigod ever at Camp and a daughter of Hephaestus. Everybody loved her, especially leo and so, she was the flower girl.

Then Jason walked out, with Calypso holding his arm.

She looked beautiful in her simple white dress. Her almond eyes we're accented with the gold eye shadow and her hair was styled intricately, of course, by Piper.

Piper walked out next, maid of honor, and Annabeth and her bridesmaid.

The aching in my heart grew.

The ceremony went but in a flash, and soon, the chiron said, "You may kiss the bride. Not make out, just kiss"

And the two newly weds leaned forward and kissed.
And just like that, Leo and my relationship was thrown out the window.

I was his best friend, just that.

All the stolen kisses, that happened very frequently mind you, the late night cuddles, when he built the argo 2,that one time when we went to a party together and he got drunk and then we ended up making out, all the near kisses that never happened cause they got interrupted , all the thousands of Iris Messages that we exchanged during his big quest. All meant nothing.

We were those best friends, who were practically dating.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

Unless, of course, you actually fall for him. Which I very stupidly did.

Towards the middle of his quests, when we IM'd, he seemed distracted.

Of course, I wouldn't know why until later.

When I found out he had died, i was a mess. I had cried so much I could create a new River Styx. I couldn't sleep or eat and no one could get me out of Cabin 3.

The boy I had loved with all my heart, was dead. And I was dead on the inside.

When he came back, I was estatic. I ran out and punched him so hard, then hugged him even harder.

Then I saw Calypso. She asked him who I was.

"My best friend, (Y/n) . (Y/n) , meet Calypso, my girlfriend. "

And those words broke my heart.

He didn't talk to me as much as he used to, he was always with Calypso, and I couldnt even hate her, she was lovely, and we became really close, even thought hanging out with her was like a knife prodding my heart.

Our relationship wasn't the same anymore. We were still best friends, but it didn't have that special feeling it used to.

When they announced their engagement, I was shell shocked. Leo came up to me and thanked me for being his best friend and said that he loved me. But he didn't really.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

Of course Percy is the only one who knows. He's my brother, so I had to tell him.

They pulled apart front he kiss and smiled happily into each other's eyes. A tear slid down my cheek, but I put on a smile and wiped it off, so it looked like I was happy for them.

But in truth I was miserable.

And I wasn't her.

That's was the chapter and my brain us working again so yay.
Next proper chapter will be up soon.

The above story had nothing to do with our actual plot and storyline.


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