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(Y/n)s POV

Hi. I just met a son/daughter of Loki. My life is now complete. I may die happily now.
Actually, i'd rather not die. We already have two dead companions. And it's not like I have an assured place in Valhalla.

After I got up from my spectacularly heroic fainting spell, the two were telling us about their adventures and finally came to the point.

"We were eating dinner, when the Norns decided to show up"
"I hate them. Oh and I'm a 'he' now"
"And they gave us a prophecy"
"Yay, not so yay"
See. This is why I like Alex.
"Here's how it goes-"

"Son of Frey, the Loki's child too
Darkness will soon consume
But only dark can put out dark
Or life will be gone without a mark
Its must be stopped, hence,
The water will put out the silence"

Ok, I have decided that I hate prophecies. I also currently hate the gods.
"Darkness? I love darkness! ", Percy exclaims sarcastically. I sigh and roll my eyes(I'm getting very good at it).

"Hey guys, we'll deal with that later. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted. Can we go to my place now?? ", I asked. Everyone nodded their heads.

~le timeskip~

I knocked on the door, but no one answered. Frowning I pushed the door and my eyes widened in surprise. It was already open. That struck me as strange. My mom was the protective type. She would never leave our front door open. I walked inside, with the rear of them following to find my mother on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her.

A sob escapes my lips and I lurch over and shut my eyes tight. I refused to process what I had just seen. MMy mother was dead. Dead as a dead can be. Percy hugged me and Leo held me close. A small piece of paper lay at the edge of the table. Trembling I opened it up and read it.

She was a threat.

The note had a few bloodstains on it. Tears filled my eyes and I let the note fall. " A threat? ", I hoarsely whispered. " My mother was many things but a threat? No, this has to be some cruel joke".

"It's not a joke", a voice said. On the chair right in the middle of my living room sat a young girl in a white flowy dress. She had large white wings and a pair of horns on her head. Her pretty face was tear stained. "Let me explain"

"Go on", Thalia said tentatively.
" My name is Lillian. I am a fey-a dark fairy-but no I am not evil. I come from pays de la fée "

"Land of the fey", Piper notes.
" You know feytion(pronounce : fey-shin) ?? ", Lillian enquires.
" No, but I do know French "
"Oh yes, French was derived from faytion. Anyways , you (y/n) are the daughter of our mistress, that is your mother. "

I shook my head vigoursely. "My mother is not a fey. She is just Mildred. "

"That's not her name! That's her cover name. You see, she wanted you to have a normal life since anyways your father is a god. Adding the complications of being a fey, let alone a fey of Royal blood, would be too much for you too handle. She used the enchant, what you call the Mist and Glamour, to cover her wings and horns. But a terrible affliction has arisen. Your mother was killed by an ice goddess-"

"Khione", Calypso hissed. " I'm going to kill her "
"Oh you can't honey, you must know that. She's a goddess. Anyways, your mother was our leader and the post is hereditary. I am deputy mistress and you , are the new Mistress. "

My head swam. I almost collapsed again, but I managed to keep myself on my feet. Leo squeezed my hand for reassurance.
"So my sister is a fairy?? "
Typical. That's the first thing percy points out. He really is a seaweed brain.

"I'm here to take you to our land. You will stay in the palace, your mothers home. If you wish, your friends here can stay in the guest rooms in the palace. "

I nodded absentmindedly. Nico looks at me concerned and Annabeth holds Percy's hand and hazel takes Frank's.
Lillian raises her hand and before she can transport us to the land of the fey, I ask a simple question .

"Lillian, what's my mothers real name? "


(A/n) : BAM! And that my friends, is how you drop a bomb. Be proud of me folks, I published a longer chapter than the last one . Also Prernalakhwani08 look I posted the chapter!!!!!!! Go check out her story guys, she's a little slow on the updates but it's definitely a very interesting story line and I highly suggest you check it out. Peace out folks! (Oh my gods I sound like the mother goddess from the TOA book one!)

❤Rhea, daughter of Poseiden and legacy of Apollo.

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