The Father

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After an hour of walking, Percy led us up a vent .

We landed up in a forest.

We decided to make camp there since it was quite late, and the sky was dark already. I sat staring at the red and orange ribbons of fire that Leo had conjured up.

Everyone else had fallen asleep, yet I was awake, staring at the fire like a maniac, yet it felt calm. The most peaceful I had felt I'm ages.

Obviously, I'm sure I've mentioned my absolutely terrible luck, it was right then I heard a noise, the unmistakeble smell of smoke.

You're probably rolling your eyes and thinking, duh, there's literally a fire in front of you.

Except it was coming from behind me. Slowly, I rose to my feet and walked off towards that direction. I used a spell that Lillian taught me, which left a line of golden dust behind me where ever I went, so that I could find my way back.

And yes, I did feel like Hansel, leave breadcrumbs behind.

I approached the smoke only to find a huge area on fire and silver tents burning to the ground.

Silver tents. . . . . .


Instantly I panicked, thinking of Thalia, who had literally just left for the hunt. Chances are she was here.

But she was probably fine . I mean, she's Thalia.

I looked around to see the ugliest man I ever saw.

And when I say ugly, I mean U.G.L.Y.

There were welts and bruises on his face, so much so that but contorted his facial features. He had a workers outfit on.

Honestly I would've never guessed who this dude was unless I had seen his hand.

A flaming wrench. He held a flaming wrench.

He was Hephastus, god of fire and forges.
Also Leo's dad.

My first thought was, I'm not ready to meet his father.

Leo definitely did not get his looks from his old man. Because he was hot.

Hepahstus was NOT.

But there was something different above the him. From the stories that Percy told me, he wasn't aggressive, just fed up.

This Hephastus had agression writen in his red eyes.

Fun times.

The darkness had gotten to him.
There wasn't much chance I could save the hunters, I mean, I am a fey and a demigod, but he was a God.

The only leverage I had was the fact I could control water.
Water beats fire. Simple, basic science.

"HEY OVER HERE!! ", I screamed.

Not the smartest idea.

I seem to something else in common with my brother other than looks.

Hephastus glanced over and and narrowed his eyes.

Even he knew I was stupid enough to do that
He threw a massive fireball at me. The reason I dodged it was because I took off and ran straight into the center of the camp, which incidently was not as burnt up as the rest of it.

Angry that he had missed, he let out a growl.

I closed my eyes and focused on water nearby, desperatly hoping there was some.

Because I'd there wasn't any, I was screwed.

I felt a tugging sensation . Bingo.

I raised my arms and with it, a humongous wave sprung up and over their camp, shielding it.

I felt like Godzilla. I kept my arms up, keeping the water there. Several hunters ran out of their tents and out of range from Hephastus.

"Meddling demigod", he growled. "Foul hybrid"

Ok hold up, what's with every body shaming the fact I'm a hybrid? That's just racist.

The strain of keeping a wave that huge up for so long was getting to me. I wasn't like percy, that experienced in the powers.

Finally, I gave up, and let go, crumbling to the ground. My energy was sapped, but at least I had helped the hunters.

I expected the water to crash down onto me, and then to be grilled with fireballs.

Except that didn't happen.

I felt a warm silvery aura and opened my eyes to see a young girl of about twelve standing straight in front of me. Her hair was auburn I'm a high ponytail and her eyes were yellow.

"Fall Hephastus", she commanded, radiating power. She raised her hand and using her silvery aura, redirected the wave to crash upon the God.

Hephastus dissappeared in a puff of smoke .

The girl turned around to face me.
" Stand, brave warrior", she ordered, and instantly I felt energised. I got to my feet and hen realized who she was.

I inclined my head respectfully. "Lady Artemis"
He nodded her head and said, "You were brave, young lady. And I don't usually help those women who are in relationships. But you saved my hunters, and proved you're worthy"

I flushed with pleasure and gave her a smile.

"The darkness is spreading fast, Ray Waters, and there are many trials you and your friends need to pass. This was just one of them. "

"I know Lady Artemis. "

She studied me.
"I'm not like the other gods. I'm a rebel goddess. I will not be affected but the darkness spread by that wretched ice goddess. "

She paused, to let the information sink in , and to size me up once again.

I pulled the edge of the T-shirt I was wearing, nervous.

Truth be told, Artemis was one of my favorite goddesses. She was strong independent, and didn't care what the other gods thought of her . She, unlike other gods, actually cared for her hunters.

I wanted her to like me, as childish as that sounded.

Her gaze softened.

"Ray, you may call me at the final battle and when you need me. I will arrive whenever you call me. "
"Yes Lady-"
"Please, call me Artemis"
I looked at her.

"Like a friend? ", I asked, because the idea was a little odd. No gods ever declared friendship with mortals.

But I had seen something in Artemis' eyes.
I saw loneliness.

Of course, she had her hunters, who she loved, but that relationship was purely put of respect.

Her eyes lit up, like a child's on Christmas.
She nodded her head, "Yes, like a friend", and vanished in a poof of silver.

Honestly what's with all the poofiness?

And then it sunk in, that I was friends with a goddess.

Fire and Water  1)The Darkness WithinWhere stories live. Discover now