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Leos POV

So....... Where do I begin?

I swear I wasn't snooping, I hadn't even come for that purpose. Nor was I evesdropping, though I don't think that's the right word for this situation.

Remember that blessing Aphrodite gave me?
The one with the emotion jazz?
That's the one.

Alright so I might've been standing in the same corridor outside Ray's room . I mean sure, why not , there's nothing wrong with going to visit your girlfriend.

But when she stopped and looked at something displayed on the wall, that's when things got really weird.

It's was like I blended into her memories and was living her past. I only knew this was the case because the same thing happened with hazel and me except not at a distance.

I saw a younger version of Ray and a series of events unfolding. My heart clenched for her. It was clear she had been through much more than she let on with her casual demeanour.

This set me off a little. I pitied her, yes, but I was oddly angry. Why didn't she tell me any of this? I felt like she told me a half truth, and left out the rest leaving me with a wrong story.

Pissed , I went back to my own room and lay done on the bed. I had given up on the idea of visiting her.

" Not now at least", told myself.

Finally after about an hour of brooding, I made my way to her room and knocked. Ray opened the door and smiled on seeing me and pecked my lips. I tried to smile but couldn't.

"Hey what's wrong? ", she asked gently.
" You tell me", I replied sassily.

She raised her eyebrows , questioning me. " Um...?? "

"Why didn't you tell me everything? About that Darren dude and the others? Why would you lie? "

Her eyes widened as she registered my words.
"How do you know? ", she whispered.

" Aphrodite gave my a blessing to see through emotions and I saw alright! I'm glad she gave it to me. Why didn't you tell me Ray? You lied to me"

She looked downcast for a moment before suddenly looking very angry.

The thing about Ray, she's a lot like her brother. In looks and mannerisms too. Like him, her expressions could  change from calm to stormy very fast.

"How dare you", she hissed.

My eyes widened in surprise. Why in the world was she angry?

" How dare you do that without my consent. You can't just jump I to viewing my personal life", she exclaimed, angry.

"But you weren't going to tell me! "
"That's where you're wrong, I was going to tell you, when I was ready on my own terms"

"Ray, please liste-"

"What the hell? You're acting as if you've been through so much Ray, but you haven't. I'm the one with no mom and no family!"

As soon as I said that, I regretted it.

"Oh am I supposed to cry for you? Well guess what? BOO HOO, but I'm the one who been broken ten times over, everyone who I've ever trusted left me or broke my trust, my mom was killed because I'm dating someone,y worlds was shattered in one day, I apparently now have to rule a whole God damn realm and to top it of, as if that wasn't enough, my own BOYFRIEND betrays me. So you're not the only one with a sob story."

I'm taken aback and I feel like I've been slapped in the face.
"Ray i-"
"You know what, I don't care, get lost Valdez."

And with that, she slammed the door in my face.

"No, no, no, no, no, no", I desperately  muttered to myself, overcome with despair.


Because she didn't call me Leo.

She called me Valdez.

Dun dun dun! Here's the drama.

So the fight idea came from Prernalakhwani08, so there you have your credit. So don't come for me.  I'll try posting more often since schools off, though I still have exams.

Oh joy and happiness.


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