Chapter 3

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Lawrence and I saw each other more after that night when we met and exchanged our burdens. As it turned out, he was a student at Juilliard himself, and was studying to be a historian. He said he always felt himself to be "an old soul" and hoped he lived to see the day when scientists were able to create a time machine, so he could see history for hundreds of years to come.

This spurred me on to my study of technology even further. Because, although I did not want to admit it at the time, I desperately wanted to make Lawrence's dream come true. I desperately wanted to be the one to tell him that he could get away from his past and see the future.

The two of us started to see each other more and more, until one day in the winter of 1811, as we were riding in a carriage and snow was slowly falling, he turned to me abruptly.

"You know, if I were that pompous lord that your parents desperately wish for you to marry, I think I would at least make a valiant effort to make myself known to you, and at least get to know you before asking you to marry me."

I nodded slowly, trying to catch the meaning, if there was any, behind his words.

"Well I think you would make a much better suitor than he," I said suddenly, paying no attention to my words.

Once I realized what exactly I had just said, I gasped softly and my face flushed from embarrassment. "I'm-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

Lawrence grabbed my hand, smiling at me. "It's quite alright. In fact, what if I gave it a go?"

I was taken aback. On the one hand, I would love to court this man. On the other, my family would be disgraced and I would be involving myself in a scandal, which at the time, sounded wonderfully rebellious.

"You mean, you have taken a liking to me?" I answered cautiously, not able to hide my giddy smile any longer.

Lawrence smiled again. "No, I have not."

My brow furrowed in confusion and I let out a disappointed huff. "Then what exactly do you mean, Sir?"

Lawrence chuckled at my irritated confusion. "I have not simply taken a liking to you, I have fallen deeply in love, Miss (Y/N)."

My breath caught again as my eyes fluttered up to his, my face heating with pleasure. "Oh, Lawrence do you really mean it?"

He nodded.

"But... my father.... my parents would never allow it," I told him, crestfallen.

A mischievous grin spread across his face, something he had started doing more and more as he had gotten more comfortable around me.

"What if.... we didn't ask them?"

My eyes widened in realization. "Lawrence, you don't mean-"

He nodded, that mischievous smile never leaving his frame. "Elope."

"But if word got back to my family... oh the disgrace it would bring upon them! The shame it would bring from them upon me! I would become a public scandal!"

My companion turned in his seat to face me, grasping both of my small hands in his large ones.

"(Y/N). For once in your life, you can choose for yourself. You can make your own decisions. You don't have to be a puppet anymore. And you really want to give that up because of what other people will think about you? That's not the (Y/N) I know."

I sat there, mouth agape and lost for words. I wanted to admonish him, tell him that I was not a puppet, and I cared not what other people thought of me. I could not, however, for I knew he was right. I did care. But it was more than that.

"Lawrence... you're right. But I'm....." My eyes snapped up to his. "Scared."

He took my hands in his and held them up against his chest.

"(Y/N), I promise you, for as long as I live, I will always be there to support you, love you, and protect you."

I stared into his eyes, and immediately knew he meant every word that he had said to me.

Taking a deep but determined breath, I tilted my head upward slightly.

"Alright. I have full faith in you. Let us do it."

And I swear his grin was almost demonic.

Timeless (Beetlejuice x Reader)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now