Chapter 8

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Hooooly ghost you guys. 900 reads. WHAT??? UM THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH?? I'M JUST... SHOOK???

Okay, now on to the TRIGGER WARNING for the chapter. There is mention of both death and suicide in this chapter, and I tried to make is as non-graphic as possible, for you guys' benefit. PLEASE, if you struggle with these things, and think it may affect you negatively in ANY way, PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. YOU WILL NOT HURT MY FEELINGS. YOUR MENTAL HEALTH IS WAY WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY STUPID FANFIC WRITTEN BY A NERDY TEENAGE GIRL IN HER BEDROOM AT THREE IN THE MORNING.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, enjoy! Lol I'm dead at this point tbh hahahaaaaa

Ciao, bellas!

~Smol Emo


My head pounded, and my eyelids burned. It was a struggle to open them even a little bit. I groaned, and found my throat felt as if I was forced to swallow gravel. I coughed, the pain like stabbing knives.

I sat up, feeling nauseous. I heaved, but nothing came up. My head was spinning. My eyelids were swollen and puffy. My hair was stringy and matted.

I cracked my eyelids open, looking around. With a start I realized that I was back in my bed in my quarters at Juilliard!

I sat up as quickly as I could, which was an extremely difficult task. I quickly found that Melody was not present. From the bright sunlight streaming in through the window behind my bed, I guessed it was around early afternoon.

I slowly swung my heavy legs over the side of my bed, taking a deep breath before cautiously rising to my unsteady feet. Groping my way out of the bedroom, I eventually made it into our little dining area.

I sat down in one of the wooden chairs, a little out of breath. Looking over, I saw an issue of this morning's paper lying on the floor under the mail slot in the door. Inhaling deeply once more, I stood back up and slowly made my way over to it. I retrieved the paper and sat back down at the table.

I looked at the date on the paper. Five days. I had been unconscious for five days. But wait, why had I been unconscious?

Then it all came flooding back. The boat. The screaming. The confusion. The icy water.

Mio dio. I died. I shouldn't have been alive right then.

The curse.

It was real.

I quickly scanned the paper, and there, on the front page, was the story.

"Steamship Freedom confirmed sunk; all passengers and crew members lost at sea, no known survivors."

That little girl immediately entered my distraught mind. I wondered if she got to hug her father and tell him she loved him one last time.

I felt the tears coming. Not knowing what else to do, I returned to my bed, curled up in a ball, and simply cried until sleep graciously saved me from reality.


When I awoke, it was early evening. Sighing, I got up, bathed myself until I had soaked away most of the aches and pains in my body, and drank some tea to help with my sore throat and headache. I then decided I would immediately go to Lawrence. He was probably worried sick.

The clock struck five o'clock, and I half expected Melody to traipse through the door, before remembering she was away visiting her sister upstate. I sighed and looked down into my cup of tea. I was a bit lonely, if I was honest with myself. It was honestly too quiet in the apartment without Melody's incessantly chipper chattering.

Shaking off my dreary lonesomeness, I grabbed my purse and coat and immediately made my way to Lawrence's apartment. At first, I was worried people would overreact to my being alive and breathing, but not a single person gave me a backwards glance. This was probably because they didn't know I had been one of the many unfortunate passengers on that steamship, or they simply didn't recognize me. Either way, I was thankful for the lack of attention.

When I came to Lawrence's apartment, I noticed that there was light coming from the crack under his door, so I knew he was there. I knocked and waited. There was no answer. After a confusing moment or two, I knocked again. Still no answer.

I sighed and began groping for the spare key he hid under the rug in front of the door. It wasn't all that great a hiding spot, but at least he tried.

I unlocked the door and warily entered his apartment.

"Lawrence?" I called, looking around. There wasn't a soul present. "Lawrence, it's me, (Y/N)!" I continued on until I came to his bedroom. I was about to knock when I noticed the door was already partially opened.

I eased it open the rest of the way. And a feeling deep in my gut told me that something was very, very wrong.

Boy, was that an understatement.

I looked up, and there, dangling from the ceiling, was Lawrence's dead corpse.

All the color drained from my face as my hand flew up to my mouth to muffle my horrified shriek. I backed away from the room, the tears making my vision distorted and blurry. I was having a hard time breathing. Or having a hard time doing anything, really.

Then, I couldn't help it. I turned and fled, trying to outrun this nightmare. This memory. This reality.

But I wasn't fast enough.


Whew! That was a rough chapter lol. Don't worry, it gets way more light-hearted and funny from here on out haha.

Sorry it was a shorter chapter. I'm just trucking through this thing as best I can, considering I have a TON of crap to do before Halloween this week.

On the bright side, my "boyfriend" and I are going as Dipper and Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls, so that's gonna be fun lol.

If updates are a little slow this week, it's because I'm making my brother's Bill Cipher costume, finishing my own costume, and making a freaking two-layer Beetlejuice cake with a sandworm and beetles for a cakewalk at our fall festival hahaaaaaa.

Thank you guys so much for all your encouraging comments, I definitely wouldn't be nearly as motivated without you guys. ^-^

Random, but should I do a meet the author kinda thing? Let me know in the comments, cuz I've seen other authors do it and idk if I should jump on that bandwagon or not haha.

okay anyway.

Ciao, bellas!

~Smol Emo

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