Chapter 21

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"Alright, what do you have for me?" I asked Lydia, rubbing my hands together in anticipation.

"Well, I remember you talking about how one of your favorite time periods was the 1950's, so I was able to get you a stylish 50's style dress with sort of a modern twist."

Lydia opened her bedroom door, and neatly draped across the bed, was one of the most beautiful dresses I had ever seen.

It was sleeveless, the top heaving a heart shape. The skirt was poofed in the 50's fashion, and the tatters on the hem of the front of the skirt were reminiscent of the fringe on a party dress. The back of the skirt dropped down far enough that I guessed it would trial to the floor when I put it on, similar to Rita's dress she wore to her first gig.

The dress was white with horizontal black stripes, as well as an electric green on the sash at the waist, trim on the top of the dress, and hem of the skirt. The entire inside of the skirt was the same green, and you would be able to see the green behind my legs when I wore it. The entire thing was covered in show-biz-style glitter, so it would definitely catch the light.

Beside the dress was a pair of long, black, fingerless gloves with tattered lace at the top, a lacy, black garter, and a pair of chunky black heels, which would more than likely up my height a good three inches.

I stared at the outfit in awe.

"Oh. My. Gosh. I freaking love it!!"

"Well, it really wasn't supposed to look like that..."

I glanced at Lydia curiously. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the front of the skirt is shorter than I wanted, I definitely did not ask for that garter, and the whole thing was supposed to be red with black accents, so we could match."

I smiled. "Hey, aside from the fact that it sucks that we won't match, I really love this outfit. The skirt is the perfect length, I love the truly 50's feel the garter brings, and I absolutely dig this color scheme."

Lydia crossed her arms and studied the outfit before us. "If you're sure you don't mind...."

"I really don't," I assured her happily.

"Well, are you gonna put it on or what? We leave in two hours, and I can help you get ready," she offered, cracking an excited grin.

I nodded giddily, scooped up the outfit, and jogged to the bathroom. I quickly shut and locked the door and began taking off my clothes. I wriggled into the dress, which was surprisingly comfortable and fit my body like a glove. It accentuated my curves and really popped against my (s/c) skin tone.

I put on the gloves, garter, and heels, then stared at my reflection in the full-body mirror. For the first time in a while, I actually looked hot.

Feeling bold, I pulled my pendant out from under my dress and let it rest on my chest.

Neat, it matches.

Smiling, I exited the bathroom and went back into Lydia's bedroom, spinning around for her. She beamed at me.

"You look fantastic! I like your necklace, by the way," Lydia complimented me.

"Thanks," I responded as evenly as I could, trying to shove the anxiety and fear back down deep inside of me.

"So, first thing's first, we need to do your makeup," Lydia said, pushing me into a chair in front of her dresser mirror before I even knew what was happening. She grabbed her makeup bag and the one I had brought. "So I think we should go with a sultry look, how 'bout you?"

I nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Once the makeup was finished, we did my hair in (F/H/S). I then used some of that Halloween spray dye to dye my hair electric green to match the accents on my dress. (If your hair is already green, ignore this)

I returned Lydia the favor by doing her makeup and curling her short, raven hair. Soon we were both fully in costume and ready to go.

My phone started ringing. I quickly answered it.


"Hey, (Y/N), it's Rita. Um, so, I broke one of my strings last night, and even though I over-nighted some extras, I'm still one string short. We're gonna have to go to plan B."

I grimaced.

"Okay. I can deal."

Plan B was Riley and I performing a duet for the special at Bernie's.

"Oh, and I know we said that you two would be singing one song, but could you two maybe do 'Thriller' and that song you both wrote a while back?"

I hesitated.

"Rita, I don't know.... We haven't practiced that one, not to mention it's personal..."

"Oh, (Y/N), you'll do fine! I have confidence in you! And besides, nobody even really listens to the lyrics, anyway."

I sighed wearily. I seemed to be doing quite a bit of that, lately.

"Fine, whatever."

"Great! See ya in a few!"

With that, she hung up.

The song that Rita was talking about and that I was hesitant singing was called "What a Time". Riley and I had written it shortly after we broke up, to try and sort through the situation. I had written the first verse, he wrote the second, and we both worked together to write the rest of the song.

I knew Riley and Rita assumed the person I wrote about in my parts of the song was Riley, and while there were a few lines here and there about him, most of my parts addressed the hurt Lawrence left me when he died.

Which is why I was having reservations. I didn't want to reopen that wound. Especially now that I had met Larry.

"Oh, hey, my uncle is meeting us at Bernie's, by the way," Lydia informed me, breaking me out of my thoughtful trance.

"Oh okay, cool."

This was going to be a long evening.

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