Chapter 14

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"Miss (Y/L/N)! Welcome! Glad to see you've made it in one piece," Charles Deetz greeted me warmly.

I smiled at him. "Yeah, it's really a lovely little town. Plenty of country charm and fresh air!"

"Yes, it really is a nice, quiet place. For the most part," he added quickly under his breath, and that made me wonder what exactly he meant. "Ah, I see you brought some friends!"

I nodded. "Um, yes, Charles, this is Riley McBride and Rita Gonzales," I said, introducing my companions. "They've decided to move with me. Not into your home, of course," I added quickly.

"No, sir, we've found a couple of apartments in town that will be just fine," Riley explained, flashing that winning smile of his.

Charles visibly relaxed at the welcome information. "That's wonderful! I'm happy you three were able to stick together."

I smiled and nodded. I didn't know where in the world I would be today if Riley and Rita hadn't helped me through my whole dilemma. My whole life, really.

"Oh! (Y/N), how good to see you!" Delia sang, entering the foyer. She hugged me, and I smiled at how sweet she was.

I liked Delia a lot. Sure, the woman had some quirky hobbies and interesting therapy methods, but she had payed me more attention and shown me more kindness than my own mother had. Delia just radiated a motherly aura to me.

"Delia, I'd like for you to meet my two best friends: Riley McBride and Rita Gonzales."

"Well, it's so nice to meet you," she gushed happily, shaking each of their hands in turn. "You're welcome anytime. Would you guys like anything to eat or drink?"

"Oh, no thank you," Rita said politely. "We actually ate breakfast on the way."

"Well, make yourselves at home, why don't you stay for a while?" Charles asked hospitably.

"Thank you, Mr. Deetz," Riley replied, "but I'm afraid Rita and I have quite a bit of unpacking to do."

"Please, call me Charles," he responded amicably, grasping Riley's hand and giving it a firm shake. "Feel free to come visit anytime."

Riley grinned and nodded. "Thank you, Charles. We'll be sure to come by soon."

I waved to my friends as they pulled out of the Deetz's long, gravel driveway. Then they had disappeared into the valley below.

I sighed and turned back into the house, pulling the door closed behind me.

Charles retreated into his study, and Delia, with one last "lemme know if you need anything", went to "re-sync her crystals", whatever that meant.

I picked up my luggage and began to head upstairs, where Charles had told me my bedroom was located.

I stepped into a narrow hallway with slightly creaky floorboards, flowered wallpaper that looked like it hadn't been touched since the eighties, and framed pictures littering the walls. There were so many of them. I stopped, my curiosity getting the better of me. I peered into one of the photographs.

In the photo was Lydia, who looked to be around seven or eight, blowing out candles on a small, purple birthday cake. Sitting beside her, smiling at the child sweetly, was a woman whom I was positive was her mother. She had Lydia's lips, nose, and eyes, but had strawberry-blonde locks in contrast to Lydia's raven pigtails. I smiled at the scene before moving on to another photo.

This picture looked fairly recent. Lydia was, again, the subject of photo, but she was posing as if she were hugging two people on either side of her. Except....

Timeless (Beetlejuice x Reader)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now