Chapter 31

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⚠️ trigger warning: slight blood/gore/violence⚠️

I had accumulated the most points in our many games of laser tag, therefore I was the overall winner. Everyone groaned and complained about how it wasn't fair since I had been in the military and it was impossible to hit me.

"Actually, not true," Betelgeuse, now back in his snake bracelet form, interjected. "I hit her," he stated proudly.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, by lying and tricking me."

"Um, I saw no signs that said 'no using intellect' anywhere in there."

I scoffed. "'Intellect'? Yeah, right."

We got back to the condo after grabbing something to eat on our way. Everyone was exhausted and it had started raining, so we all stayed inside and lounged, chatting, watching movies, and just hanging out. Eventually, evening set in, and we all broke off in our pairs to get settled in for the night.

Beej and I got ready to turn in, and I hopped in the shower, letting the hot water pound into my back and massage away all the aches and pains from the day. I got out about twenty minutes later, clean and fresh. I walked out of the bathroom to find Betelgeuse already in bed, flipping through channels idly. He grinned when he saw me.

"Oh, hey, Angel."

"Whatcha watchin'?" I asked him, flipping the covers back before sliding in next to him and pulling them back over me.

"Just flipping. Can't really find anything good."

I snuggled closer to him and leaned up against him. He wrapped his arm around me, drawing me closer to him.

"You wanna watch a movie?" he asked me suddenly.

I smiled up at him and nodded. "Sure! What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know," he said thoughtfully, flipping the tv to the Amazon app. "I was hoping you could introduce me to some good movies that you like."

I beamed at him. "You're just too sweet, you know that?"

Betelgeuse smiled down at me and gave me a light peck on the lips. "You're my Angel, and you deserve the utmost respect."

I blushed a bit at that, clearing my throat awkwardly. Beej chuckled lightly at my flustered energy.

"Um, as for the movie, have you ever seen Now You See Me?" I asked him.

Beej stared up at the ceiling thoughtfully for a moment. "No, I don't think I have, actually."

I clapped my hands together in excitement. "Yay!! I love this one!!"

He smiled at my child-like glee, rented the movie, passed me some popcorn that he had conjured up from thin air, turned off the lamp, and hit play. As Jesse Eisenberg began to speak the introductory lines of the film, Beej wrapped his arms around me and brought me to sit directly in front of him, his legs on either side of me and his arms wrapped around my waist. I leaned back against his chest and felt him rest his chin lightly on the top of my head.

"Woah, that's some next-level illusion ish, right there," he breathed quietly, his eyes full of child-like wonder.

I smiled to myself, grabbing his hand and intertwining my fingers with his. His thumb rubbed the back of my hand soothingly. Almost rhythmically.

I smiled once again, popping a piece of popcorn into my mouth as I settled in to watch one of my favorite movies with my favorite person in both the world and Netherworld.


As the credits rolled, I smiled up at Betelgeuse, who had a look of awe on his face.

Timeless (Beetlejuice x Reader)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now