Chapter 33

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I was reading on the roof when the Maitlands and Lydia approached me.

"Hey, (Y/N), we were wondering if you wanted to come hang out with us today?" Lydia asked me, shoving her hands into her pockets.

"Oh, sure! I'd love to!" I replied, closing my book and following the three down to the attic. "So. Where's Beej? I figured he wouldn't wanna miss this for the world."

Barbara and Adam shared a quick, uneasy glance. Lydia, however, was cooler than a cucumber.

"Oh, he said something about taking care of important business in the Netherworld," the teen told me, flipping down on the Maitlands' couch.

I nodded. "Oh. Did he say when he'd be back?"

"I think tonight," Barbara informed me as she picked up one of Lydia's stray shoes and put it over by the attic door.

"Oh, okay. Cool."

"You guys wanna play Just Dance?" Lydia asked Adam, Barbara, and me, arching an eyebrow at the three of us from her upside-down position on the couch.

Adam beamed and Barbara lit up. "Sure!" they chorused together.

I smiled over at them. Honestly, the Maitlands were pretty darn perfect. And yeah, they, along with Charles and Delia, had pretty much become the parents I never had; kind, caring, loving, and understanding. I loved them dearly.

"Sounds like fun!" I said, beaming at the people who I now considered my family.

Because they made me feel more at home than I had felt in over 200 years.


"Alright, old man, you ready to take me on?" I asked Adam playfully, picking up a Wii remote.

"Careful what you wish for, I've got mad moves!" he replied, doing a little shuffle.

I chuckled.

I chose a random song that I hadn't heard before. Adam and I waved our remotes around, trying desperately to keep up with the dancers on-screen. We were flailing around like two chickens with their heads chopped off. I could hear Lydia and Barbara behind us, laughing at my and Adam's bad dancing skills. I was more the ballroom dancing type. And for some reason Adam struck me as a flamenco type. Don't ask me why, he just gave off those vibes. (PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE GETS THIS JOKE)

By the time the song was over, we were both breathing hard and laughing. It was close, but Adam beat me by a few points.

"I call playing Adam!" Lydia blurted, jumping up from the Maitlands' couch.

I laughed breathlessly and handed her the remote. "Sure thing, kiddo."

She and Adam flipped through several songs before finally choosing one by Beyoncé.

I flopped onto the couch next to Barbara, grinning at my friends around me.

"You look worn out!" Barbara said, laughing and patting my leg affectionately.

I chuckled lightly. "I'm pooped!"

After a few minutes I turned to the sweet, blonde woman.

"Barbara, how did you know Adam was the one?"

She smiled at her husband, who was still dancing next to Lydia.

Timeless (Beetlejuice x Reader)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now