Chapter 7

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I stood on the upper deck of the ship which was taking me back to my mother country. I pulled my coat a little tighter around me, sighing.

This was going to be so much work; ignoring the pleas from my parents to have an arranged marriage, refusing my sisters' begging for me to stay with them in Italy, and worming my way around difficult questions about my "friends" back at Juilliard. I put my head in my hands and tried to rub away the headache.

I pressed my lips into a thin line, refusing to cry. I was not going to spend the entire trip feeling sorry for myself. Feeling sorry for myself never helped me move forward. In fact, it only caged me within myself. When I truly began to live was not when I was living for myself, but for him as well.

When I met Lawrence, I finally realized that my world didn't have to be excluded to just me; it could be so much bigger than that.

I didn't have to keep pushing people away because I was afraid they would pity me or look down on me. All I had to do was have faith, and while that was terrifying, I didn't regret it at all. After all, that's what allowed me to become close to Melody and Lawrence. I couldn't imagine life without them.

And I was hoping against hope that I wouldn't have to. Because there was absolutely no way in hell I was going to let my parents or even my sisters keep me away from the man I loved.


I gripped my stomach and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to focus on not vomiting. I stood overlooking the starboard side of the ship, swaying slightly on my still-unsteady legs. My right hand clutched my pendant, its cool metal against my chest soothing. I focused on breathing in and out, trying to force myself to feel better.

It didn't work.

As I finished heaving up all of the food I had eaten within the past hour, I noticed people running by me. They were shoving and pushing each other, jostling to be first. It was almost as if they were all in a race. Or running away from something. Wait, why was the boat tipping?

Mio dio the boat was tipping.

I saw a ten-year-old girl and a lady I assumed to be her mother racing towards the lifeboats.

"Mamma! Mamma! What about Daddy?" she asked frantically, sobbing hysterically.

The mother cupped her child's face in her hands, tears quickly filling her own eyes as she tried to give her daughter a reassuring smile.

"Daddy will be fine, my sweet child. He was helping some men with the boat, but he's going to come find us, okay?"

The little girl nodded, and her mother grabbed her hand before they continued their race for their only chance of survival.

I suddenly snapped to my senses, picking up the hem of my skirt and rushing toward the lifeboats myself. As soon as I made it to the crowd gathered in front of the lifeboats, the man trying to unfasten the lifeboats put too much of his weight on the old, frayed cables. This caused them to snap, sending both the boats and the man overboard. He never resurfaced.

As the crowd realized that we now had no means of escape, the panic started to set in.

People began running around frantically, screaming, or just throwing themselves onto the ground in anguish whilst sobbing uncontrollably.

I was just stunned.

Was this it? Was I going to go down with this ship? Was I really never going to be able to see Lawrence again? To tell him I loved him?

The boat had run into an iceberg, which was becoming an increasing problem in the wintertime, and it continued to tilt, sinking lower and lower into the Atlantic with every passing moment. All of a sudden things were sliding everywhere, people were running into other people, and I was struggling to stay on my feet. I clung to the boat's railing, too rattled, terrified, and desperate to cry out.

Then something hit me from behind, knocking me into the icy depths of the Atlantic. I struggled to get back to the surface, but the numbness from the cold waters prevented me from doing so.

I felt my nose sting from the tears that I'm sure were there, though I couldn't feel them because of the water. I was never going to see my family again. I was never going to see Melody again. I was never....

I was never going to see Lawrence again.

We were never going to get married.

I was never going to have children.

I was never going to have a family with him.

Finally, my brain could not function any longer without oxygen, and I let the sweet nothingness of death envelope me as everything went black.



Holy crap you guys! Over 600 reads? Dang I'm so thankful. I cannot believe people actually take time out of their day to read this garbage, honestly. Thank you guys so so much.

I also wanna thank the people who go out of their way to comment, especially those who tell me that this actually seems like it takes place in the 1800's, which I am so relieved to hear, because I suck at writing anything that's not from my time period lol. Your comments mean so much to me and give me so much encouragement, you guys have no idea.

Also, quick trigger warning for the next chapter, so please read!!

The next chapter mentions suicide and death, so please don't read if you feel like it might damage your mental health! Thank you guys so much and have an awesome day!

Ciao, bellas!

~Smol Emo

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