Chapter 9

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-Present Day-

"For the last time, sir, I'm sorry, but selfie-sticks are strictly prohibited on the tours. We had an incident where an employee was assaulted with one and that's been our policy ever since."

The forty-year-old man glowered at me like I was the scum of the earth. "Well, just because somebody else did something wrong doesn't mean I have to be penalized for it!"

I fought to keep my tone somewhat respectable. "It's simply a safety precaution, sir."

The man huffed angrily. "Well how am I supposed to get pictures?" he asked accusingly.

My coworker at the counter with me, Riley, piped up and I could tell by his tone, facial expression, and body language that he was as done with this guy as I was. "Sir, I'm sure a tour guide would be more than happy to assist you."

The man stood there, silently fuming. Then, all of a sudden, he exploded.

"You know what? You're all just a bunch of spoiled, entitled millennials!"

Um yeah one could definitely argue that I'm not a millennial....

"And I've had enough! I hope you're happy because you just lost a customer for life!" He gave us a lovely middle finger on the way out of the building.

I rested my elbows on the counter in front of me, massaging my temples. "I swear, dude, we don't get paid enough to deal with these idiots."

Riley chuckled. "You're so right."

I had gotten a job as a tour guide for some of the more historic sites in New York. I was really good at my job, considering I lived through most of the stuff that I talked about.

I made decent money, so it was alright. Definitely not what I had wanted to do with my life, but that all went flying out the window when I found out that the curse was real. Beggars can't be choosers.

I was interrupted from my musings by more customers entering the building. It was a small family. A middle-aged man with a full beard and hard stare, a women with red hair twisted into one of the funkiest up-dos I had ever seen and a giant crystal necklace hanging around her neck, and a young teen-aged girl with a short, black bob, decked in all black, and a camera hanging around her neck. I swear this girl looked like she was straight out of a My Chemical Romance album. I had a sneaking suspicion that instead of saying "I've died and gone to heaven" when she was happy, it would be "I've died and gone to Hot Topic" instead. Honestly, though, the look really suited her and she pulled it off really well.

I smiled at the trio as they approached the front desk.

"Hi, guys, and welcome! How may I help you, today?"

"Yes, we'd like to go on your, uh, cemetery tour," the man answered, glancing at his daughter, who was grinning from ear to ear.

I smiled again. "Of course! The cemetery tour is actually my favorite tour. There's one in five minutes and then one later this afternoon at 1:30. Which would you prefer?" I asked, pulling up the ticket information on my computer.

"We'll do the tour in five minutes," the man replied.

I clicked on the slot, my hands poised over the keyboard, ready to type.

"Can I get a name?"

"Uh, yes, Deetz," the man answered, fishing around in his pocket for his wallet.

"That'll be a grand total of $26.55, please," I said politely.

He swiped his card.

"Alright, if you guys want to hang out in the waiting area to my right, your left, your tour guide should come and get you, shortly."

"Thank you so much," the woman said to me, smiling before following the man and teen to the waiting area.

"No problem," I replied, looking back at my desktop, putting in the last bit of information.

Another coworker, Jen, came from the back room, a scowl on her face.

"Tessa quit."

Riley and I looked at each other.


She stuck her hip out to the side, her waist-length ponytail swishing sassily. "Yeah. She up and left a couple of minutes ago. Boss said you're up, (Y/L/N)."

My mouth fell open. "Are you kidding? I've been working my butt off this entire week! And now I have to pick up that monello's work? Inaccettabile!"I threw my hands up in the air in frustration.

Riley and Jen both stared at me. The former leaned in toward the latter, speaking out of the corner of his mouth and saying, "She's really pissed off, because she's speaking in tongues more than usual." Jen simply nodded.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, if you two will excuse me, I have some tourists to guide," I said snippily, grabbing three maps and making my way over to the Deetz family.

"Hi guys, it looks like I'm going to be your guide for today!" I laughed. "Since I'm taking you to a cemetery, I guess you could say I'll be your guide to the other side." I grinned.

The man and woman shared uneasy glance, while the teen smiled slightly at the ground.

"Okay, I know that joke was corny. Is everything alright?" I asked, my brow furrowing in confusion.

"Oh, no, it's fine, it's just... Let's begin, shall we?" the man sputtered, taking the woman's arm and steering her toward the door.

The girl came up to me.

"I liked your joke."

I then stared after this bizarre trio, not knowing what to make of them or of the situation I had gotten myself into.

Timeless (Beetlejuice x Reader)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now