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It was night time and I had spent half the day running when I decided to head back to Kruel's house.

He wasn't home so I took it upon myself to take a nice hot shower to cleanse my body of the sweat I was drenched in.

Preparing dinner wasn't much of a hustle as Kruel already had some cooked food and all I had to do was warm it up.

Kruel hadn't come home yet and I was beginning to think he wasn't going to come back.

I waited in the living room for him, just staring at the tv like some messed up weirdo.

Hours had passed and he still wasn't home yet. I was too tired to wait for him so I went upstairs hoping to get some peaceful sleep, which I did, until I heard the breaking of something downstairs.

I quickly got out of bed and cautiously walked to where I assumed the sound came from.

When I flicked the light-switch on, I felt the sudden urge to beat the creature that stood in front of me.

"Did I wake you up?"
Never in my whole life had I wished the rogues captured me. Then I wouldn't be in such a stupid situation with my irresponsible mate.

"I'm a light sleeper. My senses are always on high alert." I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning against the door frame.

"You look tired." He crouched down to pick up the broken pieces of the vase he probably knocked over.

"Not as much as you." I walked over to him and began to pick the broken pieces with him.

"You don't have to-"

"Shut up." I mumbled. "If anything, you're the one who shouldn't be doing this. You're too clumsy and I wouldn't want you to break a nail."

"Well, isn't that funny." He tried to smile but it was faint. I studied him for a while without his acknowledgement before taking all the pieces and throwing them in the trash.

"Where were you?" I asked, walking towards the living room where he sat on the huge couch. I took the seat opposite his because every other seat would be close to him.

I can't have that.

"I had pack duties to attend to." He simply stated. "I'd ask you the same question."

"I went for a run."

"For half the day?"

"I needed to. I was trying to-"

"Avoid the conversation that we both know we need to have." He cut me off. "What I don't understand is why you can't tell me what your attacks are all about so that we fix the damn problem."

"I'm not having this conversation with you and I certainly don't owe you any explanations." I stood from my seat, focused on leaving him alone but I couldn't. Something wouldn't let me.

"Well, I'm your mate. You don't really have a choice, do you?" He walked towards me.

"Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe a single word that leaves my mouth so why waste my time anyway?" I stared into his gray eyes, my confidence almost faltering.

"You can't always rely on yourself, Azazel. There's a reason why we're mates."

"I don't want you as a mate!" I growled out. "Why couldn't the Moon Goddess give me someone who isn't like you? Why did it have to be you? Why?"

"Then reject me already." His calmness was anything but comforting. We stood mere inches apart, our chests almost touching. "If you hate having me as a mate so much, reject me."

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